112 Distillation Troubleshooting and Lessons Learned

Wednesday, May 1, 2013: 8:00 AM
Lone Star C (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)
Thank you for your interest in this session. Please send Henry Kister a copy of your submission or your intent to submit at Henry.Kister@Fluor.com.

Topical 8: Distillation Topical Conference

Henry Z. Kister
Email: henry.kister@fluor.com

Michael D. Pritchett
Email: mpritchetts@gmail.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
8:05 AM
(112a) More Tower Damages Caused by Water-Induced Pressure Surge: Unprecedented Sequences of Events
Ademaro Marchiori, Ana Lidia Wild, Aristides Yoshiaki Saito, Arlan Lucas de Souza, Carmen Mittmann, Christian C. Anton, Felipe Saldanha Duarte, Sandro L. A. Pereira and Silvia Waintraub

8:35 AM
(112b) Butyraldehyde Tower Capacity Limitations
Daniel R. Summers, Wagner Mônaco and Marcos Andre Neiva

9:35 AM
(112d) Ruptured Rupture Disc
A. Y. Ogundeji, T. C. Thurber and Mike Resetarits

10:05 AM
File available
11:20 AM
(112g) The Influence of Surface Tension On the Performance of Mist Separator, Part II
Wolfgang Heikamp, Attilio J. Praderio, Michael Schultes and Armin Pitzer
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 8: Kister Distillation Symposium 2013