295535 Industry or Academia? Ph.D. or MBA? - Factors to Consider in Your Decision Making
295535 Industry or Academia? Ph.D. or MBA? - Factors to Consider in Your Decision Making
Tuesday, April 30, 2013: 4:00 PM
Bonham C (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)
We define our careers through our passions, interests, actions, efforts, work, and drive; but most importantly we define it by the decisions we make. For a young engineer who is early on in their career, the first fork in the road forcing a decision is often related to the pursuit or not of further education, the second fork relates to the type of academic education (MBA or Ph.D. or other) and the third (for those who have chosen a Ph.D. path) addresses the pursuit of an academic or industrial career. In this talk, the author will review the factors and benefits associated with the above potential choices and use his own career as an example to provide the audience with better insight into career decisions and outcomes.
See more of this Session: Young Professionals in Process Development
See more of this Group/Topical: Process Development Division
See more of this Group/Topical: Process Development Division