294705 New Options to Boost Propylene Production Via Metathesis

Thursday, May 2, 2013: 8:05 AM
Lone Star D/E (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)
Stephen J. Stanley1, Kerman Dukandar2 and James M. Hildreth1, (1)Olefins Business Group, Lummus Technology, a CB&I Company, Bloomfield, NJ, (2)CBI, houston, TX

New Options to Boost Propylene Production via Metathesis

Authors:  Kerman N. Dukandar, James M. Hildreth and Stephen J. Stanley (speaker) sjstanley@cbi.com

Lummus Ethylene Technology a Division of CBI

The continual increase in the number of gas crackers planned and shift to lighter feedstocks will put a strain on future propylene supply.  Lummus' Olefins Conversion Technology or metathesis has already proven to be a successful process for propylene supply globally producing over 10% of the world’s propylene capacity.    The current facilities have been based on processing C4 streams.  This technology has now been extended to utilize C5 streams.  In addition, the CDISIS process can be applied to existing OCUs for enhanced propylene production.

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