294570 Solving Operational Problems in a Naphtha Splitter

Monday, April 29, 2013
Ballroom A - Right (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
Giorgio Franceschetti1, Flávio Weissheimer2, Rafael Henrique Camparin2, Patrick Lucas3 and Alberto Amano1, (1)Braskem, Santo André, Brazil, (2)GE Water & Process Technologies do Brasil Ltda, São Paulo, Brazil, (3)GE Power & Water, Paris, France

Polymer fouling in naphtha splitter reboilers can be a serious operating difficulty. This paper aims to present the antifouling and engineering solution applied in the Naphtha Splitter Unit reboilers at Braskem UNIB 3. Before the new treatment, these heat exchangers had a very short runlenght and very low efficiency and reliability due to fouling.   The new strategy treatment was defined based on the raw naphtha analysis to set the antifouling injection and statistical analysis tools to predict its performance.

Extended Abstract: File Uploaded
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