294309 Maximizing Capabilities in Flexible Operation with a New Hydrocracking Catalyst

Tuesday, April 30, 2013: 4:00 PM
Republic A (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)
Rebecca Wroblewski1, Maureen L Bricker2, Naresh Kumar3, Scott Roney3, Daniel Pintar3 and Rob Shepherd3, (1)Research and Development, Honeywell-UOP, McCook, IL, (2)Research and Development, UOP - A Honeywell Company, Des Plaines, IL, (3)Honeywell-UOP

This talk will discuss the development and highlight the capabilities of a new hydrocracking catalyst for refiners interested in flexible range operation.

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See more of this Session: Advances in Hydroprocessing and Hydrocracking
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 7: 16th Topical on Refinery Processing