294094 Process Safety As a Career Foundation

Tuesday, April 30, 2013: 11:15 AM
River Level 001A (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
Andrew Stein1 and Jason F. White2, (1)Smith & Burgess, Houston, TX, (2)Smith & Burgess LLC, Houston, TX

The foundation of one’s profession can have an exponential effect on the lifelong development of their careers.  There may be no stronger launching point than the lessons learned as a young engineer specializing in process safety.  A young engineer building a foundation on process safety may have the opportunity to work on and visit a magnitude of different processes and also similar processes operated in different manners.  However, a vast range of exposure is not the only valuable material in the development of a career. In a relatively short period of time, one specializing in process safety can learn to understand how safety can sometimes become an afterthought for many process engineers.  This can ultimately lead to costly or even life-threatening consequences that must be addressed reactively.  With a foundation in process safety, one would be in the mindset to address safety issues in a proactive manner, thus ultimately becoming a more efficient engineer.

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