293744 C2 Splitter Debottlenecking and Operation
293744 C2 Splitter Debottlenecking and Operation
Wednesday, May 1, 2013: 2:55 PM
Lone Star D/E (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)
C2 Splitters are the "Money Towers" of the ethylene plant. With recent interest in lower price ethane for cracking in ethylene plants in North America, there is heightened interest in getting as much capacity out of these "Money Towers" as possible. Two recent revamps of C2 Splitters will be presented along with operating data showing the capacity and performance of the new High Capacity trays employed.
See more of this Session: Joint EPC/Distillation Session: Distillation in Olefins Plants
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 4: The 25th Ethylene Producers’ Conference
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 4: The 25th Ethylene Producers’ Conference