293487 On Modeling of Gas-Phase Mass-Transfer in Structured Packings

Monday, April 29, 2013: 1:35 PM
Lone Star A (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)
Frantisek J. Rejl, Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague (ICT), Prague, Czech Republic, Lukas Valenz, Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague (ICT), Prague, Czech Republic, Vaclav Linek, Department of Chemical Engineering, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology (VSCHT), Prague, Czech Republic and Jan Haidl, Chemical Engineering, ICT Prague, Pargue, Czech Republic

This contribution summarizes results of gas phase mass-transfer characteristics measurement for several metal Mellapak structured packings under absorption conditions. These characteristics, volumetric mass-transfer coefficient (kGa) and effective mass-transfer area (a) has been measured using standard absorption systems of SO2 chemisorption into the NaOH aqueous solution (kGa measurement) and CO2 chemisorption into the NaOH aqueous solution (effective area measurement). Measurements were performed under atmospheric pressure in the column, which packed bed consisted of four elements of packing with diameter of 0,29m and total height of 0,84m.

Volumetric mass-transfer coefficient, kGa, and effective mass-transfer area, a, have been measured for all packings under various flow rates of the liquid phase and of the gas-phase. The flows have been chosen to cover whole spectra of conditions up to flooding. Combination of results enables evaluation of dependencies of mass-transfer coefficient kG on phase-flows.

Three models for mass-transfer in structured packings (model of Billet and Schultes, DELFT model and SRP model) have been used for calculating gas-phase mass-transfer characteristics under the conditions for which the experiments were carried out. None of the models fully succeed in prediction of kG, kGa and a absolute values and their dependence on the gas-phase velocity.     

Three of the studied packings, Mellapak M250Y, M350Y and M500Y, differ in the value of the geometrical area but are otherwise geometrically similar. There should therefore exist common dimensionless correlation interlinking hydrodynamic, transport and geometrical parameters of the system. Parameters of this correlation should be in agreement with basic hydrodynamic and transport imaginations behind the process. Verification of these basic imaginations used for modeling of gas-phase mass-transport in structured packings is presented on the basis of experimental results and development of such common correlation.

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