Upstream and Subsea Processing

Monday, April 2, 2012: 2:00 PM
Grand Ballroom D (Hilton of the Americas)

This session will focus on the state of the art in upstream and subsea processing technology and equipment for handling and controlling produced hydrocarbon reservoir fluids in production systems. This includes subsea separations concepts, subsea boosting, slug control devices, and compact upstream process equipment.

Upstream Engineering

Phaneendra B. Kondapi

Ram S. Mohan

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

2:00 PM
(35a) Advances in Produced Water Treatment
Timothy P. Daigle, Savanna Hantz, Brian Phillips and Rafique Janjua

2:30 PM
(35b) Advanced Pipeline Monitoring for Flow Assurance with Fiber Optics
John D. Hedengren, David Brower and Jose Mojica

3:00 PM

File available
3:30 PM
(35c) Real-time Monitoring of a Subsea Boosting System
Phaneendra B. Kondapi, Anita Sengebusch and Janardhan Davalath