LNG Simulations and Controls

Wednesday, April 4, 2012: 8:00 AM
335A (Hilton of the Americas)

This session will take papers relating to modeling LNG baseload plants and LNG receiving terminals regarding to equipment, safety and plant operations.

Topical 6: 12th Topical Conference on Gas Utilization
Fuels and Petrochemicals Division (16)

Yu-Nan Liu
Email: liuyn@airproducts.com

Yoshitsugi Kikkawa
Email: ykikkawa@ykh.chiyoda.co.jp

Chen-Hwa Chiu
Email: Chen-hwa.chiu@chevron.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

8:30 AM
(122b) Dynamic Simulation: Value During LNG Process Design and Beyond
Kenneth V. Allsford, Vijay KumarPatel and Robin K Conwell

9:30 AM

File available
10:00 AM
(122e) Modeling of Ground Flare Pits
Nicolas F. Ponchaut, Harri K. Kytomaa, Christopher DesAutels, Shoichi Kaganoi, Olivier Becu and Gareth Cardiff