Monday, April 2, 2012: 1:30 PM
360 (George R. Brown Convention Center)
Emergency Preparedness & Response (EP&R) Programs are often referred to as the “last line of defense” in a comprehensive risk management program. This notion is reinforced by common accident models and safeguard diagrams, such as the Onion Skin Diagram, which typically illustrate the EP&R layer as the final protection layer.
Process safety programs such as Process Hazard Analyses (PHAs), EPA Risk Management Programs (RMPs), and property insurance programs will often identify High-Consequence Low-Probability Scenarios (HCLPS) that present catastrophic risks to the business, using a combination of science and sound, technical knowledge. Regrettably these recognized HCLPS are often uncoupled from the EP&R Plans at the facility and the external emergency responders, and thus not routinely exercised. As a result, when large-scale process-related accidents do occur the result is often slow or delayed response to the incident, inadequate preparation for the magnitude of the event, and ineffective response.
This session welcomes papers on the subject of Emergency Preparedness and Response. In particular case studies, unique applications, and examples of integrating process safety programs with external EP&R organizations (e.g., mutual aid, governmental agencies, etc.) are encouraged for submission. In addition papers that explore issues of evacuation, shelter-in-place, search, and rescue are also encouraged.
27th Center for Chemical Process Safety International Conference (CCPS)

See more of this Group/Topical: Global Congress on Process Safety