Unsolved Process Development Problems

Wednesday, April 4, 2012: 1:30 PM
340B (Hilton of the Americas)

Unresolved problems in process development translate into difficult startups or expensive fixes to commercial units. This session presents case studies and best practices in resolving issues and fixing problems in technology deployment. Use of corrective action SWAT teams, management of change through project execution and construction, are among the topics considered. Primary Sponsor: Process Research and Innovation

Process Research and Innovation
Process Development Division (12)

Santiago Faucher
Email: santiago.faucher@xrcc.xeroxlabs.com

Juben Chheda
Email: juben.chheda@shell.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

1:30 PM

2:30 PM

4:00 PM
See more of this Group/Topical: Process Development Division