Phase Behavior of Reservoir Fluids: Comparisons of PC-SAFT and Cubic Equation of State Simulations

Tuesday, April 3, 2012: 1:30 PM
Grand Ballroom G (Hilton of the Americas)
Sukit Leekumjorn, Calsep, Inc., Houston, TX and Kristian Krejbjerg, Calsep, Houston, TX

Cubic equations of state such as the SRK and PR are widely used to  simulate the phase behavior of reservoir fluids in the oil and gas industry.  While these models generally do a good job of capturing the phase behavior  for reservoir fluids in terms of saturation points and gas-liquid ratios,  there are areas where improvements can be made. Examples of problem areas  where the cubic equations of state traditionally do not perform well are oil compressibilities and gas compressibility factors. This paper will investigate  whether the PC-SAFT equation of state can provide an alternative to the  cubic equations of state in these areas. The paper will further analyze whether it is a problem when simulating mixture critical points and minimum miscibility pressures that the PC-SAFT equation unlike a cubic equation is not bound to match the pure component critical point.

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