Do We Have New Solutions to the Old Problem of Gas Hydrates?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012: 2:30 PM
Grand Ballroom G (Hilton of the Americas)
Bahman Tohidi, Ross Anderson, Antonin Chapoy, Jinhai Yang and Rod Burgass, Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Gas hydrates are crystalline compounds formed as a result of combination of suitable size gas molecules and water under suitable pressure and temperature conditions. The resemble ice but unlike ice can form at temperatures well above ice formation. Their formation in oil and gas pipelines could result in serious operational problems and safety concerns. The conventional techniques in avoiding gas hydrates problems are, dehydration, insulation and/or heating, injection of thermodynamic or low dosage hydrate inhibitors. In this communication we discuss some new techniques for preventing gas hydrate problems that could improve the reliability of hydrate prevention techniques and/or reduce the associated costs. The new solutions include; hydrate safety margin monitoring, hydrate early hydrate detection systems, latest results and techniques for evaluating low dosage hydrate inhibitors, and cold flow. The latest development in thermodynamic modelling will also be presented.

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