118 Fuel Processing for Hydrogen Production (II)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011: 2:00 PM
Columbus AB (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
This session will focus on the reforming for applications involving fuel cell systems. Topics of interest will include, but are not limited to the following: • Catalytic reforming (partial oxidation, steam, dry, and autothermal reforming) of various fuels • Novel non-catalytic reforming technologies • Hydrogen production from coal and renewable sources • Reactor design for fuel processors • Water gas shift, preferential oxidation, methanation reaction • Fuel cleanup – desulfurization • Systems analysis/technology integration for fuel processors • Technology Applications

Topical 2: Advanced Fossil Energy Utilization

Dushyant Shekhawat
Email: dushyant.shekhawat@netl.doe.gov

Mark Smith
Email: Mark.Smith@ur.netl.doe.gov

James J. Spivey
Email: jjspivey@lsu.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
2:00 PM
(118a) Dimethyl Ether and Methanol Steam Reforming to Hydrogen-Rich Gas Over СuO-CeO2/Al2O3 Catalysts
Sukhe Badmaev, Galina Volkova, Vladimir Belyaev and Vladimir Sobyanin

2:20 PM
(118b) Role of Support Vacancies on the Reactivity of Gold Catalysts In the CO-PROX Reaction
Oscar H. Laguna, Willinton Y. Hernández, María Isabel Domínguez, Francisca Romero-Sarria, Svetlana Ivanova, Miguel Angel Centeno and José Antonio Odriozola

2:40 PM
(118c) Development of Membranes for Hydrogen Production From Coal
T. H. Lee, Y Lu, C. Y. Park, S. E. Dorris and U (Balu) Balachandran

3:00 PM
(118d) Coal Gas Assisted Hydrogen Production Using Mixed-Conducting Oxygen Transport Membranes
C. Y. Park, Tae H. Lee, Stephen E. Dorris, Yunxiang Lu and U.(Balu) Balachandran

3:20 PM
(118e) Comparison Between CO-PROX and CO-SMET Catalytic Processes as Final Step for Syngas CO-Clean-up
Stefania Specchia, Samir Bensaid, Camilla Galletti and Vito Specchia
File available
4:40 PM
(118i) Decomposition of Carbon Dioxide Over Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticles with Methane Recycling
Abhijit Krishna Adhikari, Kuen-Song Lin, Yu-Pei Chen and Hung-Bin Tsai
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 2: Advanced Fossil Energy Utilization