21 Non-Thermal Valorization of Waste and Biomass

Monday, March 14, 2011: 1:30 PM
Comiskey (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
This session includes all non-thermal (Temperature < 100oC) processes such as biological or physical conversion to valuable products. Processes converting waste and biomass to methane, biogas, hydrogen, etc will be covered here

Topical 9: Waste & Biomass Valorization
Transport and Energy Processes (07), Environmental Division (09)

Ange Nzihou
Email: Ange.Nzihou@enstimac.fr

Marco J. Castaldi
Email: mcastaldi@che.ccny.cuny.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
1:30 PM
(21a) Commercial Scale Tritium Recovery From Exit Signs and Other Illumination Devices at LLNL
Diane Spencer, J. Mark Mintz, Matthew G. Lucas and Dale M. Holck

2:00 PM
(21b) Behavior Physics-Mechanical Properties of the Cementitious Matrix From Arumă Vegetal Fiber, Cement, Metacaulnita and Sand
Goreti M. S. M., Felix Gamarra, Ramildo D. Tolędo filho, Raimundo Vasconcelos and Adalena Kennedy Vieira

2:30 PM

3:00 PM

4:00 PM
(21e) Evaluating Different Methods Used to Manufacture Particleboards Produced Using the Blend of Plant Waste From Industrial Processes and Different Resins
Felix Gamarra, Valquiria Quirino, Miriam Lima, Raimundo Vasconcelos, Edison Bittencourt and Adalena Kennedy Vieira

4:30 PM
(21f) Surface Modification of Various Substrates for Microbial Adsorption Optimization
Lee-At Sabbagh, Diane Hildebrandt, David Glasser and T. Matambo
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 9: Waste & Biomass Valorization