12 Emerging Issues in Global Process Safety – Impact On Industry From Recent Accidents

Monday, March 14, 2011: 10:00 AM
Columbus KL (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
In the last few years, the concepts of process safety culture, process safety metrics, and facility siting have evolved from a one time emerging issue into an increasingly implemented aspect of a robust and sophisticated process safety program. Several recent industry accidents around the world have resulted in renewed discussion of several concepts including inherently safer design, chemical facility security, fatigue risk management, development of regulatory risk criteria, and understanding the process hazards beyond perceived risks as well as the science of the incidents. This session seeks papers that discuss how recent accidents will impact process safety and what concepts are emerging as the next "hot topics" of process safety programs in the future.

26th Center for Chemical Process Safety International Conference (CCPS)

Shakeel Kadri
Email: kadrish@airproducts.com

Steve Arendt
Email: sarendt@absconsulting.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
10:00 AM
(12a) Process Safety Performance Tool
Pablo Ricardo Barrera and Clarissa Sossmeier da Silva
File available
11:00 AM
(12c) A Spaghetti Western: Introduction to Safety Cases for Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Drilling
John F. Kill, Morris E. Burch, Jeremy Goddard, Kevin G. Kinsella and Marlane J. Kayfes
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 1: Global Congress on Process Safety