66 Industry Needs and Goals for University Research

Tuesday, March 15, 2011: 1:30 PM
Water Tower (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
"University Research for Industry" is to provide an opportunity for university researchers to present their work to industry participants at the conference, draw their interest in further commercialization, and get input as to industry and societal needs and techno-economic viability. For industry participant it is an opportunity to identify promising new leads, steer the academic research to address societal and industry needs.

Topical 5: University Research for Industry

Bipin V. Vora
Email: bipin.vora@uop.com

Justin Anderson
Email: janderson@warf.org

D.B. Bhattacharyya
Email: db@engr.uky.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

3:00 PM
File available
3:30 PM
(66d) Coupled Electrostatic and Pneumatic Microvalves for Portable Chemical Microsystems
Joshua D. Tice, Amit V. Desai, Thomas A. Bassett, Christopher A. Apblett and Paul J. A. Kenis

4:00 PM
(66e) Normally Closed Valves: Design Considerations, Scope and Applications
Ritika Mohan, Benjamin R. Schudel, Amit V. Desai and Paul J. A. Kenis

4:30 PM
(66f) Thermodynamic Data, Physicochemical Properties, and Molecular Information on More Than 2.5 Million Chemical Compounds
Yangsoo Kim, Won-chon Jung, Ae-ri Sung, Jeongjae Jeon, Yunkyung Kwon, Junhyuk Cho, O Hyoung Kwon, Yongkun Leem and Tae-Yun Park
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 5: University Research for Industry