45 Mercury and Other Trace Elements in Fuel: Emissions, Control, and Measurement

Tuesday, March 15, 2011: 8:00 AM
Columbus CD (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
Topics will include, but not be limited to: • Mercury and other trace elements in fuels • Mercury and trace element chemistry in flue gas • Mercury chemistry in wet scrubbers • Measurement: challenges, solutions and continuous emissions monitors (CEMs) • Control technologies: development and status • Novel sorbents • Surface studies and reaction mechanisms for trace elements • Impact of control technologies on coal by-product utilization • Trace element capture from syngas • Catalysts for the oxidation of mercury • Impacts of sulfur trioxide on capture of mercury • Status of regulations for mercury

Topical 2: Advanced Fossil Energy Utilization

Evan J. Granite
Email: evan.granite@netl.doe.gov

8:30 AM
(45b) Mercury Emission Reduction: Performance and Economic Analysis
Bruce A. Keiser, John V. Meier and Brian Higgins

9:00 AM

9:30 AM

10:15 AM
(45e) Field Tests of Palladium Sorbents for High Temperature Capture of Mercury, Arsenic, Selenium From Syngas
Tony Wu, Subhash Datta, Robert C. Lambrecht, John Wheeldon, Hugh Hamilton, Liz Rowsell, Stephen Poulston, Andrew Smith, Evan J. Granite and Henry W. Pennline
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 2: Advanced Fossil Energy Utilization