107 Dr. Fair’s “Enhanced Distillation”: Advances in Thermally Coupled and Reactive Distillation

Wednesday, March 16, 2011: 1:30 PM
Crystal C (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
These sessions will focus on advances in distillation and absorption, such as novel process designs, and innovative equipment, services, troubleshooting, and modeling.

Topical 8: The Dr. James Fair Heritage Distillation Symposium

Henry Z. Kister
Email: henry.kister@fluor.com

Michael D. Pritchett
Email: mpritchetts@gmail.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

1:40 PM
(107a) Designing Packed Multi-Partition Wall Dividing Wall Columns
Igor Dejanovic, Ljubica Matijasevic, Ivar J. Halvorsen, Sigurd Skogestad, Helmut Jansen, Bjoern Kaibel and Zarko Olujic

2:05 PM
(107b) Design and Analysis of Multiple Thermally Coupled Configurations Using Column Profile Maps
Daniel A. Beneke, Ronald Abbas, Diane Hildebrandt and David Glasser

2:30 PM

3:20 PM

4:00 PM
(107f) Control Structure Design for Optimal Operation of Thermally Coupled Columns
Deeptanshu Dwivedi, Ivar J. Halvorsen and Sigurd Skogestad
File available
4:25 PM
(107g) Heat-Integrated Reactive Distillation
Chandrakant B. Panchal, John C. Prindle, Jing Huang, Robert W. Lyczkowski, Richard D. Doctor, Emmanuel A. Dada, Philip Lutze, Rafiqul Gani and John M. Woodley

4:50 PM
(107h) Composition Estimation In DWC Columns Using Temperature Measurements
Maryam Ghadrdan, Ivar J. Halvorsen and Sigurd Skogestad