48 Trays Hydraulic Regimes, Entrainment and Efficiency: Building on Dr. Fair’s Foundations

Tuesday, March 15, 2011: 8:00 AM
Crystal C (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
These sessions will focus on advances in distillation and absorption, such as novel process designs, and innovative equipment, services, troubleshooting, and modeling.

Topical 8: The Dr. James Fair Heritage Distillation Symposium

Henry Z. Kister
Email: henry.kister@fluor.com

Michael D. Pritchett
Email: mpritchetts@gmail.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

10:05 AM

10:20 AM
(48e) On Distillation Tray Entrainment
M.R. Resetarits, T.J. Cai and James R. Whiteley

10:50 AM
(48f) Modeling Fraction Jetting on Distillation Trays
Anand N. Vennavelli, James R. Whiteley and M.R. Resetarits

11:05 AM
(26d) Don't Let Baffle Tray Flood Baffle You
Henry Z. Kister and Matthew Olsson