13 Fires, Explosions and Reactive Chemicals

Monday, March 14, 2011: 10:00 AM
Columbus G/H (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
The analysis, prevention, protection and mitigation of fire, explosion, and reactivity hazards continue to be important to the loss prevention community. This session includes papers that identify, characterize, or offer design and operational guidance on fire, explosion and reactivity hazards.

45th Annual Loss Prevention Symposium (LPS)

Dr. Erdem A. Ural
Email: erdem.ural@lpsti.com

John Murphy
Email: hamjfm@embarqmail.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
10:00 AM
(13a) Kinetic Modeling of the Reactions Involved in the T2 Explosion
Ronald J. Willey, Michael B. Cutlip and H. Scott Fogler
File available
10:30 AM
(13b) Safety Studies for Reformatsky Chemistry In a Meso-Scale Continuous Process System
Gabriel Loh, Salim M. Shaik, Loretta Wong and Paul Nicholas Sharratt
File available
11:00 AM
(13c) Inherently Safer Reactor Design for Complex Reactions Based On Calorimetry Studies
Alba Lucia Pineda, Maria Papadaki, Lina Saenz, Victor Carreto, Subramanya Nayak, William Rogers, Simon P. Waldram and Sam Mannan

11:30 AM
File available
2:00 PM
(13e) Improvement of BLEVE Overpressure Method Using Historical Data
Fei Chen, Elizabeth M. Lutostansky and Joan M. Schork
File available
2:30 PM
(13f) Ignition Behavior of Methane-Oxygen Mixtures at Elevated Conditions
Thomas Khakpour, Niko Holst, Kai Holtappels and Joerg Steinbach

3:00 PM
File available
4:00 PM
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 1: Global Congress on Process Safety