213500 Water Consumption, Characterization, and Conservation In the Refining Industry

Wednesday, March 16, 2011: 8:25 AM
Burnham (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
Jason L. Stahlman, UOP, Des Plaines, IL

Water is used extensively in a refinery, as a liquid or as steam.  Historically, water has been used liberally, with water minimization primarily occurring only indirectly, usually as a result of direct efforts to reduce energy consumption.  With water availability becoming more limited in many parts of the world, reduction of fresh water usage in a refinery will become increasingly important. 

This presentation will look at the many uses of water in a refinery and at water’s many forms.  It will look at water used in the process units as well as water used in the Utility and Offsites units.  The presentation will look at methods and techniques for reducing water consumption in general and fresh water consumption in particular.  Techniques examined will include ruse opportunities, energy reduction, and water treatment methods.  The presentation will review water balances for recent jobs where water limitations were mandated.  It will discuss these limits and other reasons why it may be desirable to reduce water usage.

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See more of this Session: Environmental and Water Solutions
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 7: 14th Topical on Refinery Processing