212948 Dissociation of H2s In Low Current Gliding Arc Tornado Discharge

Tuesday, March 15, 2011: 1:30 PM
Columbus AB (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
Thomas Nunnally1, Kirill Gutsol1, Alexander Rabinovich1, Alexander Fridman1, Alexander Gutsol2 and Abdenour Kemoun2, (1)Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, (2)Chevron Energy Technology Company, Richmond, CA

The process of hydrogen sulfide dissociation was studied in a low current gliding arc “tornado” (GAT) plasma discharge.  Utilizing GAT ensured uniform H2S gas treatment in the reactor.  In addition, it created a low temperature zone near the cylindrical wall of the reactor, while maintaining a high temperature zone near the reactor axis. Specific Energy Requirement (SER) of 1.2 eV per H2 molecule was achieved in this plasma system at atmospheric pressure.  These results are particularly important for the oil industry, which consumes large amounts of hydrogen in oil hydro-treatment, and for gas industry because of the high H2S content in “sour” gas.

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