212806 Pilot Plant Retooling for a More Reliable Process Scale-up

Wednesday, March 16, 2011: 2:55 PM
Buckingham (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
Pankaj S. Gautam, Process Technology, SABIC Innovative Plastics, Mt. Vernon, IN

Piloting a new process at a smaller scale before rolling it out to the larger manufacturing facility presents numerous scale-down as well as scale-up challenges. This paper will focus on several case studies to illustrate best practices we learned through experience for a successful scale-up. The paper will cover the following case studies –
  1. Improving liquid-liquid separation through the use of a coalescer centrifuge and scale-up of the same
  2. Lowering the contamination of polymer with residual monomer through modifications in reactor design.
  3. Enhancing pilot plant capability through the use of a concentrator

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See more of this Session: Best Practices and Case Studies In Process Development
See more of this Group/Topical: Process Development Division