212655 INTALOX ULTRA Random Packing - Pushing the Envelope

Tuesday, March 15, 2011: 2:40 PM
Crystal C (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
Izak Nieuwoudt, Koch-Glitsch, Wichita, KS and Pat Quotson, Koch-Glitsch, LP, Wichita, KS

Random packing is commonly used in absorption or light hydrocarbon distillation applications since the high liquid rates and/or high vapor densities complicate the use of other mass transfer devices.  The capital and operating costs of such units can be reduced by using random packing with low pressure drop, high capacity and good separation efficiency.  INTALOX® ULTRA™ random packing is a recent development that meets these criteria for improved performance.  Data generated over a wide range of operating conditions will be presented in this paper.  This include data from Koch-Glitsch’s pilot plants and from F.R.I.  Industrial case studies will also be covered.


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