208796 Implementation of PSM In Capital Projects

Tuesday, March 15, 2011: 11:15 AM
Columbus EF (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
Charles A. Soczek, DuPont Sustainable Solutions, Wilmington, DE

It is critical to embed Process Safety Management in the capital project system to help achieve a safe start-up. This is the foundation for assuring safe operations throughout the life of the process, especially in the construction of facilities for high process hazards.

Today's PSM system, practiced by most companies, is Deming-based and is specifically a plan-do-check-act system that strives for continuous improvements.

The capital project process is very different with specific starting and ending points that are driven by cost and time. The result is that all the required tasks for each PSM element are also time-driven, with the objective of having a full PSM program in place at the time of start-up. Additionally, capital projects must achieve designs that meet the balance of competing demands.

This paper explores some of these issues that are critical to achieving on-time start-up, design operating rates, and safe operation with optimum investment and life cycle cost.

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