208613 Fouling In Condensate Pre-Heat Exchangers

Wednesday, March 16, 2011: 4:00 PM
McCormick (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
Safdar Toor, Operation, AICHE, Mesieed, Qatar

The fouling is categorized into various types as Epstein suggested. These are crystallization fouling, particulate fouling, chemical reaction fouling, corrosion fouling and biological fouling.  Chemical reaction fouling is as the formation of deposits at the heat transfer surface by chemical reaction, in which surface itself is not reactant. Chemical fouling is with other chemical reactions, the rate of chemical reaction increases exponentially with temperature. Crude oil organic fouling mechanism is a complex process and is primarily due to destabilization of the asphaltene component of crude oil. 1 mm of fouling can increase 100C in radiant section and 300 C in heat flux section. The effect of fouling is very vast and having impact on operating cost and production losses.

In this paper, characterization of fouling and effects on operating will be elaborated and suggestion will be provided for the mitigation of fouling.

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See more of this Session: Fouling: Troubleshooting and Prevention
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 7: 14th Topical on Refinery Processing