Wednesday, April 9, 2008: 8:30 AM-11:30 AM
Room 390 (New Orleans Convention Center)

Process Research and Innovation (12a)

#171 - Process Innovations for Alternative Energy (12A01)
This session will present process innovations in alternative energy sources and processes including biofuels, solar, wind, wave, and geothermal energy, as well as unconventional hydrocarbons such as oil sands, shale oil, and nontraditional routes such as coal-to-liquids, liquefied natural gas, and other sources. The whole array of "unconventional" or alternative energy sources beyond conventional crude oil, natural gas, and coal, will be included.
Chair:Mani P. Ganti
CoChair:Parag P. Kulkarni
8:30 AMIntroductory Remarks
8:35 AMPerformance of An Intensified Downdraft Gasifier at 50kWe and 1 Mwe Scales
G. Akay, B. Calkan, O. F. Calkan, F. J. Herrera, C. A. Jordan, A. H. Mohamed, M. Tham
9:00 AMMicrochannel Process Technology Unlocking Offshore Gtl Opportunities
Jeff McDaniel, Daniel Weidert, David Kilanowski, Robert Litt
9:25 AMExperiences in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion
Calvin Feik, Daniel Carpenter, Steve Deutch, Katherine Gaston, Steven Phillips
9:50 AMEffects of Supercritical and Subcritical Pressures of Water on Coke Formation during Jet-a Reformation to Hydrogen
Michael S. Stever, Jason W. Picou, Jonathan E. Wenzel, Satya Putta, H. Bryan Lanterman, Sunggyu Lee
10:15 AMDistributed Reforming of Bio-Oil for Hydrogen Production
Jonathan R. Marda, Anthony M. Dean, Stefan Czernik, Robert J. Evans, Richard French, Matthew Ratcliff

See more of Process Development Division - Jointly Co-sponsored with ACS

See more of The 2008 Spring National Meeting