8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#1 - [COMP] Computational Phase Equilibria I (TA000) |
8:00 AM-12:05 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#2 - [POLY] Entrepreneurship in Polymers for the Energy and the Environment I (TA038) |
8:00 AM-12:30 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#3 - [POLY] Functional Nanomaterials from New Polymer Synthetic Methodologies - Radical Polymerization: Methods and Materials I (TA041) |
8:10 AM-12:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#4 - [PHYS] Nanostructured Materials - Nanocrystals I (TA066) |
8:30 AM-11:55 AM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#5 - [IEC] Alternative Resources for the Chemical Industry I (TA015) |
8:30 AM-12:10 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#6 - [ENVR] Advances in Adsorption Processes for Drinking Water Treatment and Sourcewater Protection I (TA008) |
8:30 AM-12:30 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#7 - [ENVR] New Membranes and Resins for Wastewater Treatment I (TA075) |
8:50 AM-12:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#8 - [CINF] Engineering the Transition to the Bioeconomy - Information Resources (TA034) |
8:55 AM-11:35 AM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#9 - [FUEL] Coal and Gas to Liquids - Coal and Biomass Conversion (TA022) |
9:00 AM-11:10 AM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#10 - [WCC] Stars: Science & Technology Awards and Recognitions - for Professionals in the Chemical Sciences I (TA083) |
1:20 PM-5:20 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#11 - [PHYS] Nanostructured Materials - Nanocrystals II (TA067) |
1:30 PM-4:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#12 - [WCC] Stars: Science & Technology Awards and Recognitions - for Professionals in the Chemical Sciences II (TA084) |
1:30 PM-4:30 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#13 - [COMP] Computational Catalysis - Zeolites and Homogeneous (TA025) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#14 - [FUEL] Coal and Gas to Liquids - Kinetics, Design and Numerical Modeling of FT Catalysts (TA023) |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#17 - [ENVR] New Membranes and Resins for Wastewater Treatment II (TA076) |
1:30 PM-5:10 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#15 - [ENVR] Advances in Adsorption Processes for Drinking Water Treatment and Sourcewater Protection II (TA009) |
1:30 PM-5:15 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#16 - [POLY] Entrepreneurship in Polymers for the Energy and the Environment II (TA039) |
2:00 PM-5:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#18 - [POLY] Functional Nanomaterials from New Polymer Synthetic Methodologies - Radical Polymerization: Methods and Materials II (TA042) |
8:00 AM-10:00 AM |
Topical 4: Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) 23rd International Conference (T4) | |
#19 - 2008 Global Congress Opening and Keynote Address (T4000) |
8:00 AM-11:00 AM |
Topical 7: 11th Topical on Refinery Processing (T7) | |
#20 - Advances in Hydroprocessing I (T7000) |
Topical 7: 11th Topical on Refinery Processing (T7) | |
#21 - Advances in Separations Processes (T7010) |
Research and New Technology Committee (18j) | |
#22 - Carbon Sequestration I (18J03) |
Pilot Plants (12b) | |
#25 - Current Challenges in Process Development and Deployment (12B00) |
Topical B: Energy Processes (TB) | |
#26 - Federal Role in Renewable Liquid Fuels: Strategy and Perspective (TB000) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#27 - Green Chemistry & Engineering - Nanotechnology (TAZ02) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#28 - Heavy Oil Chemistry I (TAZ01) |
Natural Gas Utilization (TAY) | |
#30 - Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) - Technology (TAY01) |
Research and New Technology Committee (18j) | |
#32 - Massive Electricity Storage: Fixing Renewable Power's Achilles Heel (18J00) |
Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division (20) | |
#33 - Reaction Engineering and Catalysis of Fuels (20000) |
Membrane-Based Separations (02d) | |
#35 - Separations: Membranes (02D00) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#36 - Thermodynamics in Chemical Engineering: Prospects and Perspectives - Fundamentals of Simulation and Theory (TAZ08) |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum (22) | |
#23 - Chemical Processing of Nanoparticulate Materials I (22000) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#24 - [COMP] Computational Phase Equilibria II (TA001) |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#31 - Managing Ethylene Plant Abnormal Operations Paper Session (T2003) |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#34 - Rotating Equipment Paper Session (T2008) |
8:00 AM-12:00 PM |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#29 - Industrial Applications of Microwave and Radio Frequency Processing I (TAZ04) |
8:20 AM-12:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#37 - [PHYS] Nanostructured Materials - Nanocrystals III (TA068) |
8:20 AM-12:20 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#38 - [PHYS] Multiscale Modeling in Biophysics - Protein Flexibility and Dynamics at Multiple Resolutions I (TA059) |
8:25 AM-12:10 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#39 - [FUEL] Coal and Gas to Liquids - Novel FT Catalyst Development and Characterization (TA024) |
8:25 AM-12:15 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#40 - [CINF] Engineering the Transition to the Bioeconomy - Policy and Economics (TA035) |
8:30 AM-9:35 AM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#41 - [ENVR] Advances in Adsorption Processes for Drinking Water Treatment and Sourcewater Protection III (TA010) |
8:30 AM-12:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#42 - [POLY] Functional Nanomaterials from New Polymer Synthetic Methodologies - Particulate and Heterogeneous Systems (TA043) |
8:30 AM-12:10 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#43 - [ENVR] Membrane Technology for Water Treatment and Reuse - Hybrid Processes and Process Development (TA055) |
8:45 AM-12:00 PM |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#46 - Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Synthesis and Production - Part 1 (T5001) |
9:00 AM-11:40 AM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#44 - [CHAL] Patenting and Technology Transfer in University-Industry Collaboration: Chal's 25th Anniversary Series I (TA078) |
9:00 AM-12:00 PM |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#45 - Catalyzed and Enzymatical Processes - Part 1: Heterogeneous Catalytic Processes (T5004) |
10:15 AM-11:45 AM |
Topical 3: 10th Process Plant Safety Symposium (T3) | |
#47 - Applications of Safety Culture (T3000) |
Topical 1: 42nd Loss Prevention Symposium (T1) | |
#48 - Fire, Explosion and Reactive Hazards, Part I (T1000) |
Topical 4: Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) 23rd International Conference (T4) | |
#49 - Risk Learnings (T4001) |
11:15 AM-12:00 PM |
Fuels and Petrochemicals Division (16) | |
#50 - Fuels & Petrochemicals Division Keynote Presentation (16000) |
1:00 PM-2:45 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#51 - [FUEL] Hybrid Nanotechnologies for An Enhanced CO2 Fixation - CO2 Separation Technologies (TA046) |
1:20 PM-5:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#52 - [PHYS] Nanostructured Materials - Interface (TA069) |
1:20 PM-5:20 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#53 - [PHYS] Multiscale Modeling in Biophysics - Protein Flexibility and Dynamics at Multiple Resolutions II (TA060) |
1:30 PM-3:00 PM |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#54 - Ethylene Producers' Conference Keynote Presentation (T2000) |
Topical 4: Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) 23rd International Conference (T4) | |
#55 - Human Factors (T4003) |
1:30 PM-3:35 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#56 - [BMGT] ACS Award in Industrial Chemistry: Symposium in Honor of T.J. Wallington: Greenhouse Gases Sequestration: Technology and Economics I (TA003) |
1:30 PM-4:15 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#57 - [CHAL] Patenting and Technology Transfer in University-Industry Collaboration: Chal's 25th Anniversary Series II (TA079) |
1:30 PM-4:30 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#58 - [COMP] Computational Catalysis - Nano (TA026) |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
Liaison Functions (18) | |
#59 - AIChE/ACS Presidential Event - Energy Research: Future Challenges and Opportunities (18000) |
Topical 1: 42nd Loss Prevention Symposium (T1) | |
#60 - Fire, Explosion and Reactive Hazards, Part II (T1002) |
Topical 3: 10th Process Plant Safety Symposium (T3) | |
#61 - Plant Process Safety Management Systems (T3005) |
1:30 PM-5:10 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#62 - [ENVR] Membrane Technology for Water Treatment and Reuse - Biological and Inorganic Fouling of Membranes (TA056) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#63 - [FUEL] Clean Energy, Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass - Biofuels (TA017) |
2:00 PM-5:00 PM |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#64 - Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Synthesis and Production – Part 2 (T5002) |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#65 - Mixing, Mass Transfer and Heat Exchange - Part 1 (T5012) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#66 - Advances in Catalysis and Biocatalysis in Refining (TAZ05) |
Topical 7: 11th Topical on Refinery Processing (T7) | |
#67 - Advances in Hydroprocessing II (T7002) |
Research and New Technology Committee (18j) | |
#68 - Carbon Sequestration II (18J04) |
Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division (20) | |
#69 - Catalysis and Reaction Engineering of Fine Chemicals (20001) |
Environmental Division (09) | |
#71 - Hydrothermal Processing for Wastewater Treatment (09009) |
Natural Gas Utilization (TAY) | |
#72 - Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) - Regasification (TAY02) |
Manufacturing (12d) | |
#73 - Plant Troubleshooting and Problem Solving: The Chemist and Engineer Working Together (12D01) |
Management Division (05) | |
#74 - Project Management (05003) |
Separations Division (02) | |
#75 - Separations: Effectively Designing Heat Exchangers (02000) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#76 - Thermodynamics in Chemical Engineering: Prospects and Perspectives - Nanoscale and Biological Systems (TAZ07) |
North American Mixing Forum (06) | |
#77 - Tutorial on Mixing Applied to Chemical Reactors (06000) |
2:00 PM-5:30 PM |
Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum (22) | |
#70 - Chemical Processing of Nanoparticulate Materials II (22001) |
2:00 PM-5:50 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#78 - [POLY] Functional Nanomaterials from New Polymer Synthetic Methodologies - Novel Synthetic Methods and Materials (TA044) |
3:00 PM-5:00 PM |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#79 - Managing Ethylene Plant Abnormal Operations Roundtable Discussion (T2004) |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#80 - Rotating Equipment Tutorial Session, (T2009) |
3:00 PM-6:25 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#81 - [FUEL] Hybrid Nanotechnologies for An Enhanced CO2 Fixation - CO2 Conversion into Products of the Chemical and Energy Industry: Homogeneous Catalysis (TA047) |
3:30 PM-5:00 PM |
Topical 4: Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) 23rd International Conference (T4) | |
#82 - Learning & Culture (T4002) |
5:30 PM-6:30 PM |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#83 - Micro Process Engineering Poster Session (T5017) |
8:00 AM-9:30 AM |
Topical 4: Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) 23rd International Conference (T4) | |
#84 - Key Performance Indicators, Part 1 (T4004) |
Topical 1: 42nd Loss Prevention Symposium (T1) | |
#85 - Laboratory and Pilot Plant Safety (T1003) |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#86 - Advances in Environmental Emission Abatement Technologies (T2013) |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#87 - Ethylene Plant Safety Paper Session (T2001) |
8:00 AM-11:45 AM |
Topical 3: 10th Process Plant Safety Symposium (T3) | |
#88 - Maintaining Instrument and Mechanical Integrity (T3004) |
8:00 AM-11:50 AM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#89 - [COMP] Computational Phase Equilibria III (TA002) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#90 - [POLY] Functional Nanomaterials from New Polymer Synthetic Methodologies - Catalyzed Polymerizations (TA045) |
8:00 AM-12:00 PM |
Research and New Technology Committee (18j) | |
#91 - Carbon Sequestration III (18J05) |
Petrochemicals & Derivatives (16b) | |
#95 - Petrochemicals and Derivatives I (16B00) |
8:20 AM-12:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#98 - [PHYS] Nanostructured Materials - Energy I (TA070) |
8:20 AM-12:20 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#99 - [PHYS] Multiscale Modeling in Biophysics - Protein Flexibility and Dynamics at Multiple Resolutions III (TA061) |
8:25 AM-11:45 AM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#100 - [CINF] Engineering the Transition to the Bioeconomy - Science and Technology (TA036) |
8:30 AM-11:00 AM |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#101 - Catalyzed and Enzymatical Processes - Part 2: Enzymatic (bio) Catalytic Processes (T5000) |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#102 - Characterization and Simulation - Part 1 (T5011) |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#103 - Separation (T5010) |
8:30 AM-11:30 AM |
Topical 7: 11th Topical on Refinery Processing (T7) | |
#92 - Control and Optimization in Refining I (T7003) |
Topical 8: Distillation Topical (T8) | |
#93 - Distillation Honors (T8000) |
Legislation and Regulation (09e) | |
#94 - Environmental Regulatory Hot Topics (09E00) |
Topical B: Energy Processes (TB) | |
#96 - Recent Developments in Solar Energy Technologies (TB014) |
Topical B: Energy Processes (TB) | |
#97 - Thermochemical Conversion of Forest & Other Biomass to Hydrogen, Biofuels and Chemicals (TB008) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#104 - [SCHB] Tools for Entrepreneurs from the Kauffman Foundation I (TA085) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#105 - Chemists and Chemical Engineers: A Powerful Team for Process Development (TAZ11) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#106 - Developing Environmental Foresight through Computational Chemistry and Modeling (TAZ10) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#108 - Heavy Oil Chemistry II (TAZ14) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#109 - Industrial Applications of Microwave and Radio Frequency Processing II (TAZ15) |
Natural Gas Utilization (TAY) | |
#110 - Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) - Equipment I (TAY04) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#111 - Thermodynamics in Chemical Engineering: Prospects and Perspectives - Energy and the Environment (TAZ12) |
8:30 AM-12:00 PM |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#107 - Green Chemistry & Engineering - Alternative Solvents and Bioapplications (TAZ09) |
8:30 AM-12:10 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#112 - [ENVR] Advances in Drinking Water Disinfection and Disinfection Byproduct Management I (TA012) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#113 - [ENVR] Membrane Technology for Water Treatment and Reuse - Advances in Membrane Materials and Membrane Science (TA057) |
9:00 AM-11:20 AM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#114 - [COMSCI] Partnering for Innovation and Competitiveness: Opportunities for the Chemical Enterprise in Energy and Environment I (TA077) |
9:00 AM-12:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#115 - [CHAS] Laboratory Safety Incidents and near Misses: Case Studies and Lessons Learned I (TA053) |
10:15 AM-11:45 AM |
Topical 1: 42nd Loss Prevention Symposium (T1) | |
#116 - Hazards of Alternative Fuels Technologies (T1004) |
Topical 4: Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) 23rd International Conference (T4) | |
#117 - Key Performance Indicators, Part II (T4005) |
1:30 PM-3:00 PM |
Topical 4: Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) 23rd International Conference (T4) | |
#118 - Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) (T4007) |
1:30 PM-4:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#119 - [CHAS] Laboratory Safety Incidents and near Misses: Case Studies and Lessons Learned II (TA054) |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
Topical 1: 42nd Loss Prevention Symposium (T1) | |
#120 - Advances in Fire and Explosion Suppression (T1001) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#121 - [COMP] Computational Catalysis - Surfaces (TA027) |
Topical 3: 10th Process Plant Safety Symposium (T3) | |
#122 - Conduct of Operations for Process Safety (T3003) |
1:30 PM-5:10 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#123 - [ENVR] Advances in Abiotic Transformation Processes for Micropollutants in Drinking Water and for Sourcewater Protection I (TA004) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#124 - [ENVR] Advances in Drinking Water Disinfection and Disinfection Byproduct Management II (TA013) |
1:30 PM-5:50 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#125 - [FUEL] Hybrid Nanotechnologies for An Enhanced CO2 Fixation - CO2 Conversion into Products of the Chemical and Energy Industry: Heterogeneous Catalysis (TA048) |
1:45 PM-4:35 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#126 - [FUEL] Clean Energy, Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass - Biomass Pyrolysis for the Production of Fuels and Chemicals (TA018) |
2:00 PM-4:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#127 - [SCHB] Best Steps for the Chemical Entrepreneur I (TA016) |
2:00 PM-4:30 PM |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#128 - Characterization and Simulation - Part 2 (T5018) |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#129 - Mixing, Mass Transfer and Heat Exchange – Part 2 (T5013) |
2:00 PM-5:00 PM |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#130 - Polyreactions / Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Synthesis and Production - Part 3 (T5003) |
Topical 7: 11th Topical on Refinery Processing (T7) | |
#131 - Control and Optimization in Refining II (T7004) |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#132 - Ethylene Plant Safety Roundtable Discussion (T2002) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#134 - Global Climate Change: Legislation, Regulation And Policy (TAZ18) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#137 - Heavy Oil Chemistry III (TAZ20) |
Transport and Energy Processes (07) | |
#138 - Kern Award Lecture Session (07000) |
Thermodynamics and Transport Properties (01a) | |
#139 - Kinetics and Transport Properties (01A00) |
Natural Gas Utilization (TAY) | |
#140 - Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) - Equipment II (TAY03) |
Research and New Technology Committee (18j) | |
#141 - Multi-Component Control in Power Generation (18J06) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#142 - New Trends and Best Practices in Process Development (TAZ19) |
Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division (20) | |
#144 - Reaction Engineering and Catalysis: General (20002) |
Management Division (05) | |
#146 - Site Management: Preparing for Natural Disasters and Lessons Learned (05000) |
Topical 8: Distillation Topical (T8) | |
#229 - Distillation: Equipment and Applications (T8001) |
2:00 PM-5:30 PM |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#133 - Fundamentals and Technology of Ethylene Production -- Paper Session (T2006) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#135 - Green Chemistry & Engineering - Chemistry and Industrial Ecology (TAZ17) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#136 - Green Chemistry & Engineering Poster Session (TAZ21) |
Petrochemicals & Derivatives (16b) | |
#143 - Petrochemicals and Derivatives II (16B02) |
3:30 PM-5:00 PM |
Topical 4: Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) 23rd International Conference (T4) | |
#147 - Inherent Safety (T4008) |
5:00 PM-6:15 PM |
Topical 1: 42nd Loss Prevention Symposium (T1) | |
#148 - Global Congress on Process Safety - Joint Poster Session and Reception (T1007) |
6:00 PM-8:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#149 - [POLY] Functional Nanomaterials from New Polymer Synthetic Methodologies - Poster Session (TA040) |
8:00 AM-9:30 AM |
Topical 4: Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) 23rd International Conference (T4) | |
#150 - Process Safety Management (T4009) |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#151 - Ethylene Plant Process Control -- Paper Session (T2010) |
8:00 AM-11:45 AM |
Topical 1: 42nd Loss Prevention Symposium (T1) | |
#152 - Incident Analysis and Management Systems (T1005) |
Topical 3: 10th Process Plant Safety Symposium (T3) | |
#153 - Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Tools (T3002) |
8:00 AM-11:50 AM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#154 - [COMP] Computational Evaluation of Rate Constants I (TA029) |
8:20 AM-12:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#155 - [PHYS] Nanostructured Materials - Energy II (TA071) |
8:20 AM-12:20 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#156 - [PHYS] Multiscale Modeling in Biophysics - Biomolecular Complexes: Dynamics, Assembly, and Function I (TA062) |
8:25 AM-12:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#157 - [FUEL] Ultraclean Transportation Fuels I (TA086) |
8:25 AM-12:05 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#158 - [ANYL] Directed Assemblies Using Surface Templates I (TA031) |
8:25 AM-12:15 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#159 - [CINF] Engineering the Transition to the Bioeconomy - Commercialization (TA037) |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#160 - Progress in the Commercialization of Micro Process Technology - Panel Discussion (T5016) |
8:30 AM-11:30 AM |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#161 - Ethylene Plant Maintenance & Reliability (T2007) |
Natural Gas Utilization (TAY) | |
#162 - Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) - Safety I (TAY07) |
Topical 8: Distillation Topical (T8) | |
#163 - Distillation: Processes and Modeling I (T8003) |
Management Division (05) | |
#164 - Energy and Environment Management Programs I (05001) |
Topical 7: 11th Topical on Refinery Processing (T7) | |
#165 - Energy - I (T7005) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#166 - Fouling Mitigation I (TAZ22) |
Information Technology (10e) | |
#167 - Health, Safety and Environmental Incident Management (10E00) |
Natural Gas Utilization (TAY) | |
#168 - Hydrogen Production I (TAY05) |
Topical 7: 11th Topical on Refinery Processing (T7) | |
#169 - Light Hydrocarbon Processing (T7008) |
Process Research and Innovation (12a) | |
#171 - Process Innovations for Alternative Energy (12A01) |
Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division (20) | |
#172 - Reaction Engineering: Analysis, Design and Modeling (20003) |
Topical B: Energy Processes (TB) | |
#173 - Recent Advances in Alcohols Production and Their Energy Usage Including Fuel Cells I (TB002) |
Thermodynamics and Transport Properties (01a) | |
#174 - Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria I (01A01) |
8:30 AM-12:10 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#175 - [ENVR] Advances in Abiotic Transformation Processes for Micropollutants in Drinking Water and for Sourcewater Protection II (TA005) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#176 - [ENVR] Advances in Drinking Water Disinfection and Disinfection Byproduct Management III (TA091) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#177 - [ENVR] Sensors for Detection and Quantification of Contaminants in Drinking Water and the Environment I (TA080) |
8:50 AM-11:45 AM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#178 - [FUEL] Hybrid Nanotechnologies for An Enhanced CO2 Fixation - Biological Conversion of CO2 into Usable Chemicals (TA049) |
9:00 AM-11:45 AM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#179 - [FUEL] Clean Energy, Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass - Biomass Pretreatment and Biological Processes (TA019) |
10:00 AM-11:30 AM |
Topical B: Energy Processes (TB) | |
#170 - Microfluidics and Microreactor Applications to Energy Generation (TB005) |
10:15 AM-11:45 AM |
Topical 4: Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) 23rd International Conference (T4) | |
#180 - Process Safety as Applied to Capital Projects (T4010) |
10:15 AM-12:30 PM |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#181 - Energy Generation and Fuel Processing (T5005) |
11:30 AM-1:30 PM |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#182 - Eepc/epc (T2015) |
1:00 PM-4:10 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#183 - [PETR] Energy Science and Engineering: Methods, Outcome and Future Needs I (TA033) |
1:20 PM-5:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#184 - [PHYS] Multiscale Modeling in Biophysics - Biomolecular Complexes: Dynamics, Assembly, and Function II (TA063) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#185 - [PHYS] Nanostructured Materials - Nanowire/nanotube I (TA072) |
1:25 PM-4:45 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#186 - [ANYL] Directed Assemblies Using Surface Templates II (TA032) |
1:30 PM-3:15 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#187 - [ENVR] Advances in Abiotic Transformation Processes for Micropollutants in Drinking Water and for Sourcewater Protection III (TA006) |
1:30 PM-3:25 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#188 - [FUEL] Clean Energy, Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass - Biomass Gasification (TA020) |
1:30 PM-3:35 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#189 - [FUEL] Hybrid Nanotechnologies for An Enhanced CO2 Fixation - Biotechnological Conversion of CO2 (TA050) |
1:30 PM-4:50 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#190 - [ENVR] Understanding the Water Footprint of Energy Production from Conventional and Alternative Sources I (TA090) |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#191 - [COMP] Computational Catalysis - Electrocatalysis and the Impact of Environment (TA028) |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#192 - Ethylene Plant Process Control Technology Review (T2011) |
Topical 1: 42nd Loss Prevention Symposium (T1) | |
#193 - Global Congress - Case Histories and Lessons Learned (T1006) |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#194 - Maintenance and Reliability Roundtable Discussion (T2014) |
1:30 PM-5:10 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#195 - [ENVR] Sensors for Detection and Quantification of Contaminants in Drinking Water and the Environment II (TA081) |
1:30 PM-5:30 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#196 - [FUEL] Ultraclean Transportation Fuels II (TA087) |
2:00 PM-5:00 PM |
Natural Gas Utilization (TAY) | |
#197 - Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) - Safety II (TAY06) |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#198 - Novel Process Windows – Unusual Ways of Processing (T5015) |
Topical B: Energy Processes (TB) | |
#199 - Biological and Chemical Conversion of Biomass to Fuels and Chemicals (TB011) |
Topical 8: Distillation Topical (T8) | |
#200 - Distillation: Processes and Modeling II (T8004) |
Management Division (05) | |
#201 - Energy and Environment Management Programs II (05002) |
Topical 7: 11th Topical on Refinery Processing (T7) | |
#202 - Energy II (T7006) |
AIChE Led Cosponsored Sessions (TAZ) | |
#203 - Fouling Mitigation II (TAZ27) |
Natural Gas Utilization (TAY) | |
#204 - Hydrogen Production II (TAY08) |
Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division (20) | |
#205 - Novel Catalysts: Synthesis and Characterization (20004) |
Manufacturing (12d) | |
#206 - Process Heat and Steam Traps (12D00) |
Topical B: Energy Processes (TB) | |
#207 - Recent Advances in Alcohols Production and Their Energy Usage Including Fuel Cells II (TB003) |
Topical 7: 11th Topical on Refinery Processing (T7) | |
#208 - Refinery Operations Troubleshooting and Plant Problem Solving (T7011) |
Topical 9: Sustainability: Lessons, Actions and Outlook (T9) | |
#210 - Sustainable Feedstocks (T9005) |
Thermodynamics and Transport Properties (01a) | |
#211 - Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria II (01A02) |
2:00 PM-5:30 PM |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#209 - Sensing and Process Analytics (T5014) |
2:00 PM-5:50 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#212 - [IEC] Incentives and Barriers to the Adoption of Sustainable Chemistry I (TA052) |
6:00 PM-8:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#213 - [ENVR] Advances in Abiotic Transformation Processes for Micropollutants in Drinking Water and for Sourcewater Protection - Poster Session (TA007) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#214 - [ENVR] Advances in Adsorption Processes for Drinking Water Treatment and Sourcewater Protection - Poster Session (TA011) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#215 - [ENVR] Advances in Drinking Water Disinfection and Disinfection Byproduct Management - Poster Session (TA014) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#216 - [ENVR] Membrane Technology for Water Treatment and Reuse - Poster Session (TA058) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#217 - [ENVR] Sensors for Detection and Quantification of Contaminants in Drinking Water and the Environment - Poster Session (TA082) |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#218 - [IEC] Incentives and Barriers to the Adoption of Sustainable Chemistry - Poster Session (TA051) |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#219 - Advances in Catalytic Routes to Olefins -- Paper Session (T2012) |
Topical 2: The 20th Ethylene Producers’ Conference (T2) | |
#220 - Chemistry and Impacts of Contaminants in Ethylene Plants -- Paper Session (T2005) |
8:00 AM-11:50 AM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#221 - [COMP] Computational Evaluation of Rate Constants II (TA030) |
8:20 AM-12:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#222 - [PHYS] Nanostructured Materials - Nanowire/nanotube II (TA073) |
8:20 AM-12:20 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#223 - [PHYS] Multiscale Modeling in Biophysics - Protein Folding and Misfolding: Coarse-Graining and Multiscale Approaches (TA064) |
8:30 AM-11:30 AM |
Separations Division (02) | |
#145 - Separations: Thermosiphons (02001) |
Topical B: Energy Processes (TB) | |
#224 - Analyses of Transport Phenomena in Energy and Environmental Systems (TB001) |
Topical 9: Sustainability: Lessons, Actions and Outlook (T9) | |
#225 - Case Studies in Design for Sustainability (T9004) |
Topical 7: 11th Topical on Refinery Processing (T7) | |
#227 - Corrosion Control in Refinery Operations (T7009) |
Topical B: Energy Processes (TB) | |
#230 - Enhanced Heat Transfer for Energy Saving (TB006) |
Natural Gas Utilization (TAY) | |
#231 - Gas Conversion and Separation Technologies (TAY09) |
Topical B: Energy Processes (TB) | |
#232 - Industrial Energy Efficiency and Its Contributions to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction (TB012) |
Technology Transfer (12c) | |
#233 - Modeling and Control in Process Development and Optimization (12C03) |
8:30 AM-12:00 PM |
Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum (21) | |
#226 - Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum (21000) |
Topical 7: 11th Topical on Refinery Processing (T7) | |
#228 - CO2 and Sulfur Issues in Refineries (T7007) |
9:00 AM-11:15 AM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#234 - [FUEL] Clean Energy, Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass - Fuels and Chemicals from Vegetable Oils (TA021) |
9:00 AM-11:30 AM |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#235 - Multiphase Reactions, Dispersions and Foams - Part 1 (T5006) |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#236 - Particles and Functional Materials - Part 1 (T5009) |
9:00 AM-12:40 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#237 - [COLL] Understanding and Controlling Bacterial Adhesion at Molecular to Macro-Scales I (TA088) |
1:20 PM-5:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#238 - [PHYS] Nanostructured Materials - Nanowire/nanotube III (TA074) |
1:20 PM-5:20 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#239 - [PHYS] Multiscale Modeling in Biophysics - Multiscale Modeling of Biopolymers (TA065) |
1:30 PM-3:45 PM |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#240 - Particles and Functional Materials - Part 2 (T5008) |
1:30 PM-4:00 PM |
Topical 5: IMRET-10: 10th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (T5) | |
#241 - Multiphase Reactions, Dispersions and Foams - Part 2 (T5007) |
2:00 PM-6:00 PM |
ACS Led Cosponsored Sessions. For More Information: http://oasys2.confex.com/acs/235nm/techprogram/ (TA) | |
#242 - [COLL] Understanding and Controlling Bacterial Adhesion at Molecular to Macro-Scales II (TA089) |