8:00 AM-10:00 AM |
#4 - Agglomeration and Breakage in Fluid-Particle Systems - I (TWD14) | |
#5 - Brian Scarlett Memorial Session - I (TW003) | |
#6 - Engineered Particles or Engineered Nanoparticle Structures - I (TWB02) | |
#7 - Fluid-Particle Interactions and Inter-Particle Forces in Fine Particle Systems I (TWC05) | |
#8 - Fluid/Particle Systems in Material Processing (TWD18) | |
#9 - Granule Coating Processes (TWB10) | |
#10 - Nanoparticles Processes and Application (TWD04) | |
#11 - Numerical Simulation of Fluid/Particle Flow Systems - I (TWD20) | |
#12 - On-line and In-line Measurement (TWA16) | |
#13 - Particle Size Measurement - I (TWA17) | |
#14 - Process Modeling of Bulk Solid Systems in Industrial Applications (TWC19) | |
#15 - Structure-Property Relations in Particle Formation Processes - I (TWB18) | |
#16 - Tutorial 1: Flow Properties and Particle Analysis (TW100) | |
#17 - Tutorial 2: Particle Formation Processes (TW101) | |
10:30 AM-12:00 PM |
#34 - Beckman Coulter Conference Plenary (TW007) | |
1:00 PM-3:00 PM |
#36 - Agglomeration and Breakage in Fluid-Particle Systems - II (TWD29) | |
#37 - Brian Scarlett Memorial Session - II (TW006) | |
#38 - Direct Measurement and Simulation of Contact Interactions and Tribology of Particulate Systems (TWA13) | |
#39 - Engineered Particles or Engineered Nanoparticle Structures - II (TWB21) | |
#40 - Experimental Studies of Silo Loads and Flows (TWC01) | |
#41 - Fluid-Particle Interactions and Inter-Particle Forces in Fine Particle Systems II (TWC08) | |
#42 - Fluid/Particle Flow Measurements (TWD17) | |
#43 - Fluid/Particle Systems in Bioprocessing, and Food Processing (TWD10) | |
#44 - In situ particle and flow measurements in concentrated mixtures (TWA01) | |
#45 - Numerical Simulation of Fluid/Particle Flow Systems - II (TWD21) | |
#46 - Particle Size Measurement - II (TWA18) | |
#47 - Structure-Property Relations in Particle Formation Processes - II (TWB19) | |
#48 - Tutorial 3: Fluidization - Fundamentals and Applications (TW102) | |
#49 - Tutorial 4: Colloiods and Dispersions (TW103) | |
3:00 PM-5:00 PM |
#68 - Conference Plenary - II (TW008) | |
4:30 PM-8:30 PM |
#70 - Poster Session: World Congress (TW104) | |
8:00 AM-10:00 AM |
#74 - Brian Scarlett Memorial Session - III (TW005) | |
#75 - Characterization of Single Particle and Bulk Mechanical Properties for Granular Flow Simulations - I (TWA08) | |
#76 - Communition, Attrition and Agglomeration in Granular Flows I (TWC04) | |
#77 - Engineered Particles or Engineered Nanoparticle Structures - III (TWB22) | |
#78 - Fluid/Particle Systems in Polymer Processing (TWD11) | |
#79 - Measuring and Modeling the Response of Particle Systems - I (TWA19) | |
#80 - Numerical Simulation of Fluid/Particle Flow Systems - IV (TWD24) | |
#81 - Outreach Activities in Particle Technology (TWE01) | |
#82 - Particle Design Via Self-Assembly - I (TWB11) | |
#83 - Pneumatic Conveying Systems - I (TWD19) | |
#84 - Process Intensification for Particle Technology (TWB07) | |
#85 - Slow-Shearing Moving/Packed Bed Flows I (TWC06) | |
#86 - Tutorial 10: Design and Synthesis of Smart Particles (TW106) | |
#87 - Tutorial 5: Storage and Feeding of Bulk Solids (TW105) | |
10:30 AM-12:00 PM |
#109 - Conference Plenary - III (TW009) | |
1:00 PM-3:00 PM |
#111 - Brian Scarlett Memorial Session - IV (TW004) | |
#112 - Characterization of Single Particle and Bulk Mechanical Properties for Granular Flow Simulations - II (TWA21) | |
#113 - Communition, Attrition and Agglomeration in Granular Flows II (TWC20) | |
#114 - Fluid-Particle Interactions and Inter-Particle Forces in Fine Particle Systems III (TWC22) | |
#115 - Measuring and Modeling the Response of Particle Systems - II (TWA06) | |
#116 - Mixing and Segregation - I (TWD07) | |
#117 - Modeling of Particle Formation Processes - II (TWB25) | |
#118 - Numerical Simulation of Fluid/Particle Flow Systems - V (TWD25) | |
#119 - Particle Design Via Self Assembly - II (TWB00) | |
#120 - Particle Strength in Particle Formation Processes (TWB08) | |
#121 - Pneumatic Conveying - II (TWD23) | |
#122 - Slow-Shearing Moving/Packed Bed Flows II (TWC21) | |
#123 - Tutorial 12: Functionalized Nanoparticles (TW108) | |
#124 - Tutorial 7: Mixing and Segregation (TW107) | |
3:00 PM-5:00 PM |
#147 - Conference Plenary - IV (TW010) | |
4:30 PM-6:30 PM |
#149 - Advances in the Mechanical Testing and Size Measurement of Powders (TWA12) | |
#150 - Caking Phenomena - I (TWA09) | |
#151 - Characterization of Particles Made by Flame Synthesis (TWA05) | |
#152 - Dense-Phase Flow Components in Fluid Particle Systems (TWD12) | |
#153 - Electrostatic Effects in Particle Processing - I (TWB15) | |
#154 - Fluid/Particle Reactions in Energy and Environmental Systems (TWD13) | |
#155 - Modeling of Particle Formation Processes - I (TWB16) | |
#156 - Nano-Particle & Ultra-Fine Powder Imaging in Process Flows (TWC13) | |
#157 - Numerical Simulation of Fluid/Particle Flow Systems - III (TWD22) | |
#158 - Particle Tracking in Handling & Processing (TWC11) | |
#159 - Processing and dispersion of particles into concentrated suspensions (TWB03) | |
8:00 AM-10:00 AM |
#161 - Characterization of Bulk Solids for Handling Purposes - I (TWA07) | |
#162 - Characterization of Nanoparticles and Nanotubes (TWA04) | |
#163 - Dewatering and Drying (TWC15) | |
#164 - Fluid/Particle Systems in Pharmaceutical Industry (TWD09) | |
#165 - Fundamentals of Fluidization and Fluid Particle Systems - I (TWD02) | |
#166 - Mixing and Segregation - II (TWD05) | |
#167 - Modeling of Comminution Processes (TWB09) | |
#168 - Nanoparticle Processes in Emission Control and Clean Energy (TWB14) | |
#169 - Particle Formation and Modification in Two-Phase Systems (TWB26) | |
#170 - Rapid Granular Flows in Chutes, Channels and Feeders (TWC07) | |
#171 - Recent Developments in Particle Technology - a Global Perspective - I (TW001) | |
#172 - Soft Particle Characterization in Pharmaceutical and Bio-Material Science (TWA15) | |
#173 - Tutorial 6: Particulate Drug Delivery (TW109) | |
#174 - Tutorial 9: Pneumatic Conveying and Measurements (TW110) | |
10:30 AM-12:00 PM |
#196 - Conference Plenary - V (TW011) | |
1:00 PM-3:00 PM |
#197 - Compaction and Sintering (TWC16) | |
#198 - Development/Application of Course Material in Particle Technology (TWE02) | |
#199 - Extrapolatory Scaling in Particle Processing (TWB06) | |
#200 - Functional Nanoparticles and Nanocoatings on Particles (TWB05) | |
#201 - Fundamentals of Fluidization and Fluid Particle Systems - II (TWD26) | |
#202 - Gas-Phase Nanoparticle Synthesis - I (TWB01) | |
#203 - Milling and Blending (TWC17) | |
#204 - Particle Adhesion to Surfaces (TWA11) | |
#205 - Poly-Dispersed Granular Systems I: Mixing, Blending, Segregation (TWC02) | |
#206 - Process Analysis Techniques in the Pharmaceutical Industry (TWA03) | |
#207 - Separation Process - I (TWD08) | |
#208 - Solid Liquid Separation - I (TWD15) | |
#209 - Tutorial 11: Safety Issues in Particle Handling (TW112) | |
#210 - Tutorial 8: Review of Dem and Its Applications (TW111) | |
3:00 PM-5:00 PM |
#229 - Conference Plenary - VI (TW012) | |
4:30 PM-6:30 PM |
#231 - Caking Phenomena - II (TWA23) | |
#232 - Circulating Fluidized Bed (TWD01) | |
#233 - Computational Process Models - Multi-scale, Real-time, PC-based, Visualizations (TWA02) | |
#234 - Functional Nanoparticles and Nanocoatings on Particles - II (TWB23) | |
#235 - Gas-Phase Nanoparticle Synthesis - II (TWB20) | |
#236 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Multiphase Particulate Flows (TWC10) | |
#237 - Poly-Dispersed Granular Systems II: Mixing, Blending and Segregation (TWC03) | |
#238 - Selected Topics in Fluid-Particle Systems (TWD30) | |
#239 - Separation Process - II (TWD06) | |
8:00 AM-10:00 AM |
#240 - Control of Particulate Processes (TWB12) | |
#241 - Engineered Nanoparticulate Systems for Bio Applications (TWB17) | |
#242 - Fundamentals of Fluidization and Fluid Particle Systems - III (TWD27) | |
#243 - Granulation and Encapsulation (TWC18) | |
#244 - Handling of Ultra-Fine Powders and Prevention of Dust Explosions (TWC14) | |
#245 - Measurement Methods in Particle Technology - Three-dimensional Techniques (TWA14) | |
#246 - Measurement and Modeling of Slurry Rheology (TWA10) | |
#247 - Nanoenergetic materials processing (TWB04) | |
#248 - Nanoparticle Transport and Fluidization (TWD03) | |
#249 - Recent Developments in Particle Technology - a Global Perspective - II (TW002) | |
#250 - Selected Papers in Granular Flow and Solids Processing (TWC00) | |
#251 - Solid/Liquid Separation - II (TWD16) | |
#252 - Tutorial 13: Environmental Issues of Particulates (TW113) | |
#253 - Tutorial 14: Non-Intrusive Measurement of Industrial Processes (TW114) | |
10:30 AM-12:00 PM |
#258 - Conference Plenary - VII (TW013) | |
1:00 PM-3:00 PM |
#259 - Electrostatic Effects in Particle Processing - II (TWB24) | |
#260 - Fundamentals of Fluidization and Fluid Particle Systems - IV (TWD28) | |
#261 - In-Situ Particle Concentration, Shape, and Size Measurements (TWC12) | |
#262 - Measurements and Analysis of Slightly Consolidated and Fluidized Powders (TWA20) | |
#263 - Nanoseparation (TWB13) | |
#264 - Selected Topics in Particle and Powder Characterization (TWA22) | |
#265 - Selected Topics in Particulate Handling, Processing and Granular Systems (TWC23) | |
#266 - Stochastic Phenomena and Time-Dependent Transient Flows (TWC09) | |
3:00 PM-3:45 PM |
#0 - Closing Session - 2010 WCPT6 Presentation (TW014) | |