Oxidative Transformations of Light Hydrocarbons Rapid Talks

Wednesday, June 5, 2019: 3:15 PM - 3:30 PM
Texas Ballroom A (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)

Oxidative Transformations of Light Hydrocarbons Rapid Talks

Conversion of Light Paraffins
Ricardo Bermejo-Deval Email: ricardo.bermejo@tum.de

3:15 PM

3:18 PM
Origin of Selectivity in the Direct Propylene Epoxidation Reaction Using Molecular Oxygen
Janvit Teržan, Petar Djinovic, Janez Zavasnik, Iztok Arcon, Gregor Zerjav, Matjaz Spreitzer and Albin Pintar

3:21 PM
The Role of Phosphorus on Vanadia Catalyst for the Selective Oxidation of n-Butane to Maleic Anhydride
Jingxiu Xie, Christian Schulz, K. Knemeyer, R. Naumann d‘Alnoncourt, Benjamin Frank, Ralph Kraehnert and Frank Rosowski

3:27 PM
Combined Solid- and Gas Phase Kinetic Modelling: Ethylene Oxychlorinationover K-Promoted Cu/Al2O3 Catalyst
De Chen, Terje Fuglerud, Endre Fenes, Hongfei Ma, Magnus Rønning, Samuel Regli, Yanying Qi and Kumar Rout
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