Alkanols and DME Synthesis Rapid Talks

Wednesday, June 5, 2019: 2:40 PM - 3:00 PM
Texas Ballroom D (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)

Alkanols and DME Synthesis Rapid Talks

Synthesis Gas to Fuels and Chemicals
Yong Wang Email:

2:40 PM

2:42 PM
Increased CO2 hydrogenation to liquid products using Promoted Iron Catalysts
Wilson D. Shafer, Gary Jacobs, Uschi M. Graham, Hussein H. Hamdeh and Burtron H. Davis

2:45 PM
Carbone Dioxide Hydrogenation to Methanol and Dimethyl Ether Synthesis
L'hospital Valentin, Parkhomenko Ksenia and Anne Cecile Roger

2:48 PM
CO2 Conversion to Meoh-DME Fuels:Catalytic and Technological Aspects
Francesco Frusteri, Catia Cannilla, Fabio Costa, Aldo Mezzapica and Giuseppe Bonura

2:51 PM
Air Liquide Rethinks the Process for Transforming  CO2 to Methanol
Timm Schuhmann, Stéphane Haag, Holger Schlichting, Nga Thi Quynh Do, Martin Gorny, Veronika Gronemann, Tobias Oelmann and Bryce A. Williams

2:54 PM
Behaviour of Cuznal and Cuznzr Ferrierite-Based Catalysts to Produce DME By CO2 Hydrogenation
Fabio Salomone, Giuseppe Bonura, Francesco Frusteri, Samir Bensaid and Raffaele Pirone

2:57 PM
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