Processes and Perspectives Rapid Talks

Monday, June 3, 2019: 5:10 PM - 5:30 PM
Texas Ballroom D (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)

Synthesis Gas to Fuels and Chemicals: Processes and Perspectives Rapid Talks

Synthesis Gas to Fuels and Chemicals
Michael Claeys Email:

5:10 PM

5:15 PM
Conversion of Natural Gas to Energy through PEMFC to Apply at Commercial Application
Abhi Soni, Hiralkumar Morker, Naim Memon, Vaishali Umrigar and Sopariwala Vishnu Manoj

5:18 PM
Development of a Highly Efficient Ammonia Synthesis Using Base Metals in an Electric Field
Kota Murakami, Yuta Tanaka, Ryuya Sakai, Tomohiro Yabe, Shuhei Ogo and Yasushi Sekine

5:24 PM

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