Light Hydrocarbon Reactions

Monday, June 3, 2019: 4:00 PM - 5:10 PM
Texas Ballroom A (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)
Conversion of Light Paraffins
Angeliki Lemonidou Email:
Dong Ding Email:

4:24 PM
Deciphering the Reaction Network of the Selective Oxidation of Butane to Maleic Anhydride over (V1-xWx)OPO4 Catalysts
Jingxiu Xie, Felix Pohl, Christian Schulz, Knut Wittich, Ralph Kraehnert, Benjamin Frank, Robert Glaum and Frank Rosowski

4:48 PM
Light Alkene Oligomerization for Shale Gas Upgrading: A Microkinetic Model
Sergio Vernuccio, Elsa Koninckx, Elizabeth E. Bickel, Han-Ting Tseng, Rajamani Gounder, Fabio Ribeiro and Linda J. Broadbelt
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