Oxidation and other Functionalization Rapid Talks

Wednesday, June 5, 2019: 2:40 PM - 3:15 PM
Texas Ballroom A (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)

Oxidation and other Functionalization Rapid Talks

Direct Conversion of Methane
Mariano Susman Email: marianosusman@yahoo.com

2:40 PM

2:48 PM
Direct Gas-Phase Conversion of Methane into Methanol with Water
Jong Kyu Kang, Sae Ha Lee, Yu-ri Jeong and Eun Duck Park

2:54 PM
High Efficiency Gas-to-Liquids through Condensation of Small Hydrocarbons Using Corona Discharge Processes
Yu Miao, Alexandre Yokochi, Goran Jovanovic, Nick AuYeung, Annette von Jouanne, Ryan Collin, Ian Reddick, Adam Shareghi and Andrew Traverso

2:57 PM
An Automatically Generated Pressure-Dependent PAH Mechanism for Rich-Methane Combustion
Te-Chun Chu, Zachary J. Buras, Patrick Oßwald, Mengjie Liu, Mark J. Goldman and William H. Green

3:00 PM

3:12 PM
Liquid-Phase Oxidation of Methane with O2
Jong Kyu Kang and Eun Duck Park

3:15 PM
See more of this Group/Topical: General Submissions