Subjecting these specific MOFs to a thermal treatment in inert atmosphere, called MOF-mediated synthesis (MOFMS), causes decomposition, pyrolysis, reduction and particle growth phenomena resulting in a composite of nanosized oxidic or metallic particles covered by graphenic shells. The metal loadings may reach up to 60 wt.% [1]. Depending on the inorganic element the thermal decomposition, followed by in-situ XRD and TGA, can be described by a single- or a two-step solid conversion process, well captured by the Avrami-Erofeev nucleation models with as most relevant parameters heating rate and final temperature.
Fe-MOF precursors yield nanoparticles of Fe-suboxide encapsulated by a porous carbon shell. When exposed to the reducing FTS environment Fe-carbide is formed. Temperature and gas composition can be used to form the Hägg and/or epsilon carbide.
The Fe-loading (36–46 wt%) and nanoparticle size (3.6–6.8 nm) of the obtained Fe@C catalysts are directly related to the elementary composition and porosity of the initial MOFs. Furthermore, the carbonization leads to similar surface areas for the C matrix (SBETbetween 570 and 670 m2g-1), whereas the pore width distribution is completely different for the various MOFs. Comparison of different Fe-MOF precursors shows that the high temperature FTS activity is proportional to the external particle surface. Promotion with alkali elements boosts the activity and increases the olefin/paraffin selectivity considerably. The catalytic performance @ 340 oC, stable >600 h, results in iron time yields (FTY) in the range of 1.9–4.6·10-4molCOgFe-1s-1. In combination with the high Fe-loading these materials represent extreme highly active catalysts on a mass or volume basis [2-5].
This material, however, is not easy to pelletize, and these pellets disintegrate quickly. A procedure based on phase-inversion of a slurry of the MOF precursor and a selected polymer, followed by pyrolysis results in robust catalyst particles. Interestingly, the nitrogen stemming from the polymer already exerts a promotion influence on the selectivity of the catalyst.
A similar approach using a Co-MOF precursor (ZIF-67), yielded metallic Co nanoparticles covered with an impermeable graphene coating. This was nearly inactive for low temperature FTS. Adaptation of the synthesis procedure towards an oxidative treatment after impregnation with a silicon precursor and pyrolysis, yielded an extremely active LT-FTS catalyst consisting of highly loaded cobalt nanocomposites (~ 50 wt.% Co, ~12 nm Co), with cobalt oxide reducibility in the order of 80% and a good particle dispersion, that exhibit high activity, C5+selectivity and stability in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis [6]. The structure of this material resembles that envisaged as optimal for this process, while the activity is about 30% of the maximum reachable for a pure Co catalyst of the optimal particle size [7].
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- A. Wezendonk, X. H. Sun, A. I. Dugulan, A. J. F. van Hoof, E. J. M. Hensen, F. Kapteijn, J. Gascon, Journal of Catalysis 2018, 362, 106-117.
- A. Wezendonk, Q. S. E. Warringa, V. P. Santos, A. Chojecki, M. Ruitenbeek, G. Meima, M. Makkee, F. Kapteijn, J. Gascon, Faraday Discussions 2017, 197, 225-242.
- A. Wezendonk, V. P. Santos, M. A. Nasalevich, Q. S. E. Warringa, A. I. Dugulan, A. Chojecki, A. C. J. Koeken, M. Ruitenbeek, G. Meima, H.-U. Islam, G. Sankar, M. Makkee, F. Kapteijn, J. Gascon, ACS Catalysis 2016, 6, 3236-3247.
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- Guttel, T. Turek, Energy Technology 2016, 4, 44-54.
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