2021 AIChE Annual Meeting banner

Call for Abstracts

2021 AIChE Annual Meeting

The Executive Board of the Program Committee has set a rule limiting any individual to presenting no more than three oral presentations.

Likewise, no author will be allowed to present more than two posters on any given day.

Papers will be graded on relevance, completeness, clarity, and overall significance. VIEW ABSTRACT CRITERIA

New submissions may be started or updated until the deadline: Monday, April 12, 2021

Deadlines Enforced at 11:59PM EDT

How to Submit:

  1. Begin a Submission

    Click on "View the Preliminary Program" before choosing the most appropriate Division, Forum, or Topical Conference for your abstract.
  2. Select Topic (Session)

    Choose the session in which you would like to present your paper. Please note that session chairs and program organizers may move your presentation to a different session if they deem it a more appropriate fit elsewhere.
  3. Title

    Enter your title, submitter's email address, and any comments to organizers. After submitting this step, the email entered will receive a link to your gateway portal, where you can view and edit your submission(s). Retain this for future reference.


    It is recommended that you compose the abstract text in a separate document before beginning the online submission process. Check the spelling and grammar of the text before submitting it. Conference organizers will not edit abstract titles prior to publishing in the program.

  4. Authors

    Enter author name, affiliation, and contact information, and designate the presenting author. Be sure to include the email address of each co-author on the Authors page.
  5. Abstract Text (including maximum length)

    Papers will be graded on relevance, completeness, clarity, and overall significance. VIEW ABSTRACT CRITERIA

    Please do not include the title or author names in the heading of the abstract text.(The title and authors will be inserted automatically based on information you have already provided.)

    To submit your abstract, paste or type your text directly into the following text box.

    Please note that symbols or formatted text may not transfer using this process and you may need to add those characters using the "Insert Custom Character" icon below.

    It is highly recommended you first use a word processor to compose your abstract text, check your spelling and word count.

    The entire body of the abstract, excluding tables, must not exceed 1,500 words (unless otherwise specified). Submissions to Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division(20) must not exceed 300 words and Annual Student Conference must not exceed 400 words.

    Image Upload (optional)

    Only one image file will be accepted. You may combine multiple tables, images, etc into one image. You will be able to upload this final image directly using the Image Upload area. Please read below for more detailed instructions.

    • If you would like to include an image, equation, table, figure, etc., select the "Upload Image" option below the text box, browse to your image, and save your image file.
    • Note that only one image file is allowed. If you would like to include multiple images, you must combine them and save them as one image file. JPG is the preferred image format.
    • The final image will appear at the end of the abstract.
    • To convert a table to an image, we suggest that you use the 'Print Screen' button when you are viewing your abstract in the word processor. Then copy that image into Paint, or any other image and photo editing software.
    • Then crop the image to the table and save the table.

    Figure captions may be included in the text box or in the image file, whichever is the most appropriate and easiest way to identify the figures.

    There is no limit on the number of tables, figures, etc that you can combine into your one image upload. Keep in mind, the more components you have in your overall image file, the smaller the individual images will look.

    HINT: make sure all images are clear and the captions for all images are proportionate in size to the image.

    For any image, we require a minimum of 300 dpi to insure proper resolution.

    Should your paper be accepted, a longer extended abstract/full paper will be requested later.

  6. Keywords

    Select up to 3 keywords that most closely relate to the content of your paper. A complete list of keywords is available on this page.
  7. Confirmation

    You will have a chance to look over the submission to make sure all is complete.
  8. General Instructions & Answers to FAQs

    • When submitted, your abstract title automatically will be viewable to session chairs, other presenters, and the public. The abstract text will be hidden from view until the web program is posted in July.
    • The author retains all rights, including copyright and may submit the abstract or paper to another publication.
    • Abstracts may be viewed and modified at any time between submission and the deadline, via the gateway URL and entering in the username and password associated with your AIChE account. Presenting authors will be automatically informed when they are assigned to their abstracts.
    • Session chairs and program organizers may move your presentation to a different session if they deem it a more appropriate fit elsewhere.
  9. Technical Support

    For help in submitting an abstract online, Contact technical support.

  10. Meeting Support

    For any meeting-related questions, please contact AIChE Program Development at programming@aiche.org.

Begin a submission to the following:

Bridging the Skills Gap in Chemical Engineering

Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division

Chemical Engineering & the Law Forum

Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum

Computing and Systems Technology Division

COVID-19 and Beyond: Managing the Unexpected

Education Division

Engineering for Inclusion

Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals

Environmental Division

Food, Pharmaceutical & Bioengineering Division

Forest and Plant Bioproducts Division

Fuels and Petrochemicals Division

Innovations in Process Engineering

Liaison Functions

Management Division

Materials Engineering and Sciences Division

Meet the Candidates Poster Sessions

Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum

North American Mixing Forum

Nuclear Engineering Division

Particle Technology Forum

Pharmaceutical Discovery, Development and Manufacturing Forum

Process Development Division

Regenerative Engineering Society

Separations Division

Sustainable Engineering Forum

Topical Conference: Applications of Data Science to Molecules and Materials

Topical Conference: Entrepreneurship in Chemical Engineering

Topical Conference: Material Interfaces as Energy Solutions

Topical Conference: Microbes at Biomedical Interfaces

Topical Conference: Next-Gen Manufacturing

Topical Conference: Sensors

Topical Conference: Synthetic & Renewable Fuels

Topical Conference: The Role of Intersectionality in Chemical Engineering

Topical Conference: Waste Plastics

Transport and Energy Processes

Upstream Engineering and Flow Assurance Forum