712 Solar Thermochemical Processing

Thursday, November 17, 2016: 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Powell (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Concentrated Solar for Power Generation and Chemical Processing

Solar Energy for Power Generation and Chemical Processing
Sustainable Engineering Forum (23), Transport and Energy Processes (07)

Nick AuYeung
Email: nick.auyeung@oregonstate.edu

Wojciech Lipinski
Email: wojciech.lipinski@anu.edu.au

Alexandre Yokochi
Email: Alexandre.Yokochi@oregonstate.edu

12:50 PM
(712b) Techno-Economic Assessment of the Polygeneration of Liquid Fuels and Electricity By Solar Hybridised Gasification of Coal
Woei Saw, Ashok A Kaniyal, Philip van Eyk, Jim Hinkley, Graham J. Nathan and Peter J Ashman

1:10 PM
(712c) Solar Metallothermic Production of Rare Earth Elements
Peter Kreider, Maria Salazar, Mahesh Venkataraman and Wojciech Lipinski
See more of this Group/Topical: 2016 International Congress on Energy