666 Thermophysical Properties and Phase Behavior III

Thursday, November 17, 2016: 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Yosemite B (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Experimental and theoretical contributions to the general field of thermodynamic properties and phase behavior are encouraged, including those that introduce novel experimental or modeling techniques. Papers on non-equilibrium thermodynamics are especially encouraged. The topic and style of the presentations should be consistent with the broader audience of this session.

Thermodynamics and Transport Properties

Jeremy C. Palmer
Email: jcpalmer@uh.edu

Sergiy Markutsya
Email: smarkutsya@uky.edu

8:48 AM
(666b) Designing an Extraterrestrial Submarine for Titan. I. Nitrogen Solubility Modeling in the Titan Hydrocarbon Seas
Jason W. Hartwig, Peter Meyerhofer, Steve Oleson, Anthony Colozza and Ralph Lorenz

9:42 AM
(666e) Experimental Measurements and Predictions of the Properties of Refrigerant Fluids Using Ab-Initio, SAFT-VR Mie and COSMO Calculations
Patrice L. Paricaud, Olivier Baudouin, Christophe Coquelet, Abdelatif Baba-Ahmed, Louis Campagnolo, Johnny Deschamps, Laurent Catoire, Jiri Janecek, Julien Glorian, Celine Houriez, Jamal El Abbadi and Gilbert Fuchs
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals