671 Biomaterials II - Biomaterials for Therapeutic Engineering

Thursday, November 17, 2016: 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Golden Gate 3 (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
The goal of the sessions is to represent a range of innovative biomaterial topics spanning synthesis and processing, drug delivery, tissue engineering, biomedical devices and 3D printing, surgical science, regenerative and translational medicine, and other areas where biomaterials are being studied or applied. Submissions will be organized into several sessions by topic. Graduate Students: By applying to this session you may be eligible for the Biomaterials Graduate Student Award Session established to honor the best graduate student submissions through recognition and cash awards. See the session titled “Biomaterials: Graduate Student Award Session” for details.


Kelly A. Burke
Email: kelly.burke@uconn.edu

Julianne L. Holloway
Email: julianne.holloway@asu.edu

Patricia Ortiz- Bermudez
Email: patricia.ortiz3@upr.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

12:30 PM
(671a) Silk-Extracellular Matrix Hydrogels for Cardiac Tissue Engineering 
Whitney L. Stoppel, Ross C. Bretherton, Benjamin P. Partlow, Lauren D. Black III and David L. Kaplan

12:48 PM

1:24 PM
(671d) Additive Manufacturing of Multicompenent Biomaterials
Mark W. Tibbitt, Héloïse Ragelle and Robert Langer

1:42 PM
(671i) Enhancing Cell Migration Through Dual Biomolecule Delivery From Electrospun Fibrous Scaffolds
Julianne L. Holloway, Feini Qu, Robert Mauck and Jason A. Burdick
File available
2:00 PM

2:18 PM
(671g) Gold Nanorods for ANTI-Tumor Applications
Junyan Zhang, Mian Wang and Thomas J. Webster

2:36 PM
(671h) Posh Inhibitor Peptide Amphiphile Micelles As a Novel Leukemia Therapeutic Modality
Josiah Smith, Leah Cardwell, Erin Newcomer, Logan Morton, Rui Zhang, Fabio Gallazzi, Mark Daniels and Bret Ulery
See more of this Group/Topical: Materials Engineering and Sciences Division