382 The Use of CFD in Simulation of Multiphase Mixing Processes I

Tuesday, November 15, 2016: 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Union Square 1 & 2 (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
This session is on the numerical simulation of fluid flow and associated transport phenomena in multiphase mixing processes.

North American Mixing Forum

Minye Liu
Email: minye.liu@chemours.com

De-Wei Yin
Email: dwyin@dow.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

File available
12:55 PM
(382b) A Fully Coupled CFD-DEM Algorithm for S-L Mixing in Stirred Vessels
Thomas Eppinger, Oleh Baran, Ravindra Aglave and Simon Lo

2:10 PM
(382e) Modeling and Simulation of Flash Nanoprecipitation in a Multi-Inlet Vortex Reactor
David N. Williams, Zhenping Liu, Alberto Passalacqua and Rodney O. Fox

2:35 PM
(382f) Characterizing Flow and Solid Suspension in Optimax Crystallization Workstation
Madhavi V. Sardeshpande, Ajinkya Pandit, Sreepriya Vedantam and Vivek V. Ranade
See more of this Group/Topical: North American Mixing Forum