442 The Use of CFD in Simulation of Multiphase Mixing Processes II

Tuesday, November 15, 2016: 3:15 PM - 5:45 PM
Union Square 1 & 2 (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
This session the second session on the numerical simulation of fluid flow and associated transport phenomena in multiphase mixing processes.

North American Mixing Forum

Sanja Miskovic
Email: sanja.miskovic@ubc.ca

Richard K. Grenville
Email: rkgrenville@philamixers.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

3:15 PM
(442a) Limitations of Simple Mass Transfer Models in Polydisperse Liquid- Liquid Dispersions
Jeremias De Bona, Dongyue Li, Antonio Buffo, Wioletta Podgorska, Marco Vanni and Daniele Marchisio

3:36 PM

3:57 PM

5:00 PM
(442f) CFD Simulation for Bubble Column with and without Internals of Fischer Tropsch (FT) Synthesis
Hayder Alnaseri, Abbas Sultan, Joshua P. Schlegel and Muthanna Al-Dahhan
See more of this Group/Topical: North American Mixing Forum