262 Poster Session: Thermodynamics and Transport Properties (Area 1A)

Monday, November 14, 2016: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Grand Ballroom B (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Area 1a Poster Session. Contributions in all areas of thermodynamics and transport properties are welcome. Posters can include equations of state, simulations, experiments, and/or theories. Many posters will likely discuss thermodynamics and phase behavior, since slots in those sessions are limited compared to the high demand. Selected papers will be invited to give a short presentation in a separate session.

Thermodynamics and Transport Properties

Andrew Paluch
Email: paluchas@miamioh.edu

Neeraj Rai
Email: neerajrai@che.msstate.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

(262a) A Fundamental Understanding of Cation Transport in Mixed Metal Ferrite Spinels
Christopher L. Muhich, Victoria J. Aston, Ryan Trottier, Alan W. Weimer and Charles B. Musgrave

(262ac) Solubility of Squalene and Squalene + Palmitic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Teresa Rosales-García, Gloria Dávila-Ortiz, Alfredo Pimentel-Rodas, Luis A. Galicia-Luna and Darío I. Téllez-Medina

(262ah) Modeling Sorption and Phase Equilibria Using CP2K Software Suite
Neeraj Rai, Himanshu Goel, Charles Butler, Zachary Windom and Amber Jackson

(262am) Prediction of Liquid Kinematic Viscosities Using the Eos + GE Mixing Rule with Eyring-Activity Coefficient Models
Katsumi Tochigi, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Kiyofumi Kurihara, Toshitaka Funazukuri and V.K. Rattan

(262ap) Empirical Fundamental Equations of State Correlations Based on Hybrid Datasets
Andreas Köster, Jadran Vrabec, Monika Thol, Gabor Rutkai, Rolf Lustig and Roland Span

(262ar) Phase Equilibria Prediction for Systems Containing Lipids
Olivia Ana Perederic, Larissa P. Cunico, Bent Sarup, John M. Woodley and Rafiqul Gani

(262aw) Ionic Current Rectification in a Polyelectrolyte-Modified Conical Nanopore
Shiojenn Tseng, Chih-Yuan Lin, Hou-Hsueh Wu Sr. and Jyh-Ping Hsu

(262ay) Physico-Chemical Characterization of Fluorinated Ionic Liquids for Their Use As Blood Substitutes
Margarida Ferreira, Fèlix Llovell, Ana B. Pereiro, João M. M. Araújo, Manuel Piñeiro, Luís P. N. Rebelo and Lourdes F. Vega

(262b) Spray Cooling of Hot Steel Plate Using Water Based TiO2 Nanofluid
Samarshi Chakraborty, Surjya K. Pal and Sudipto Chakraborty

(262be) Understanding Adsorption on the Anatase TiO2 (101) Surface
Samantha L. Miller, Ryan Trottier, Christopher L. Muhich, Alan W. Weimer and Charles B. Musgrave

(262bf) Effect of Liquid Hydrocarbons (C6, C8, and C10) in Experimental Dissociation Points of Hydrates Formed By H2o + CO2
Birzavit J. Escamilla-Martín, Pedro Esquivel-Mora, Luis E Juárez-Vergara, Luis A. Galicia-Luna, Jose J. Castro-Arellano and Alfredo Pimentel-Rodas

(262bg) Comparative Study Between Dissociation Conditions of H2o + N2+ Undecane and H2o + CO2+ Undecane Mixtures in Hydrate Formation
Raúl A. Santos-Serena, Luis E Juárez-Vergara, Pedro Esquivel-Mora, Birzavit J. Escamilla-Martín and Luis A. Galicia-Luna

(262e) Aluminum Nitride Hydrolysis Enabled By Hydroxyl-Mediated Surface Proton Hopping
Christopher J. Bartel, Christopher L. Muhich, Alan W. Weimer and Charles B. Musgrave
File available
(262g) Mixing Behavior in Aupt Bimetallic Nanoparticles
Srikanth Divi and Abhijit Chatterjee

(262k) Equation of State Selection for Organic Rankine Cycle Modeling Under Uncertainty
Jerome Frutiger, John O'Connell, Jens Abildskov and Gürkan Sin

(262m) Prediction of Flash Points: A Review and Practice on Ethanol-Blends
Bernard Liat Wen Loo, Kok Hwa LIM, Guo Zhen and Reginald Thio

(262o) Designing an Extraterrestrial Submarine for Titan. III. Estimating Titan Sea Mixture Properties
Jason W. Hartwig, Peter Meyerhofer, Ian Richardson, Steve Oleson, Anthony Colozza and Ralph Lorenz

(262q) Development of a Thermodynamic Model for Confined Fluids
Noura Dawass, Michelle D'Lima, Ioannis G. Economou and Marcelo Castier

(262u) Volumetric and Viscometric Properties of a Binary Mixture of a Model Diesel Compound with a Biobased Additive
Jesus Esteban, Tom Simons, Halina Murasiewicz, Serafim Bakalis and Peter J. Fryer

(262v) Modeling Phase Equilibria Using Numerical Algebraic Geometry
Hythem Sidky, Dhagash Mehta, Alan Liddell Jr., Jonathan Hauenstein and Jonathan K. Whitmer

(262z) Accurate and Efficient Thermodynamic Properties from Molecular Simulation By Combining Lammps and Gomc
S. Mostafa Razavi, J Richard Elliott, Marcel Balçik and M. Göktug Ahunbay

(666b) Designing an Extraterrestrial Submarine for Titan. I. Nitrogen Solubility Modeling in the Titan Hydrocarbon Seas
Jason W. Hartwig, Peter Meyerhofer, Steve Oleson, Anthony Colozza and Ralph Lorenz

Inorganic systems


Ionic solutions and liquids


See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals