715 Thermodynamics at the Nanoscale I

Thursday, November 17, 2016: 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Union Square 22 (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
The session welcomes contributions on experimental, theoretical, and computational studies of systems and phenomena where a nanoscale characteristic length explicitly affects thermodynamic and transport properties. Fundamentals of nanoscale thermodynamics, such as finite-size and fluctuation thermodynamics, non-equilibrium and equilibrium thermodynamics of micro phase separation, phase transitions in nano-confined systems, nonequilibrium thermodynamics of pattern formation and fractals at nanoscale are examples of the topics to be considered for this session.

Thermodynamics and Transport Properties

Amish J. Patel
Email: pamish@seas.upenn.edu

Sapna Sarupria
Email: ssarupr@g.clemson.edu

12:49 PM
(715b) How Fluctuations Influence Barriers to Dewetting
Erte Xi, Suruchi Fialoke and Amish Patel

1:46 PM
(715e) Two Perspectives on the Phase Behavior of Small Clusters of Colloidal Particles
Raghuram Thyagarajan, Michael A. Bevan, Dimitrios Maroudas and David Ford

2:05 PM
(715f) Single-Molecule Hydrophobic Interactions: From Experiment to Simulation and Equilibrium to Non-Equilibrium
Jacob I. Monroe, Philipp Stock, Thomas Utzig, David J. Smith, Markus Valtiner and M. Scott Shell

2:24 PM

2:43 PM
(715h) Molecular Model for Chirality Phenomena
Folarin Latinwo, Frank H. Stillinger and Pablo G. Debenedetti
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals