149 Fundamentals of Fluidization II

Monday, November 14, 2016: 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Golden Gate (Hotel Nikko San Francisco)
The session will cover topics in all aspects of fluidization and fluid particle systems involving gas/solid, liquid/solid, and gas/liquid/solid phases. Papers presenting research related to experimental, analytical, and computational approaches in elucidating the mechanism of reactive and non-reactive fluid-particle interactions and their effects on the flow systems are invited

Fluidization and Fluid-Particle Systems

Raymond Lau
Email: wmlau@ntu.edu.sg

Shyam Sundaram
Email: shyam.sundaram@psri.org

1:08 PM
(149c) A Comparative Study of Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrange Mesoscale Simulations of Moderately Dense Gas-Solid Flows
Bo Kong, Ravi G. Patel, Jesse S. Capecelatro, Peter Ireland, Olivier Desjardins and Rodney O. Fox

1:27 PM
(149d) Coupling of Hydrodynamics and Triboelectric Charging in Fluidized Beds
Jari Kolehmainen, Ali Ozel, Christopher M. Boyce and Sankaran Sundaresan

1:46 PM
(149e) Bed Densities in Cold Flow and Commercial Fluidized Bed Units of FCC Catalyst Particles
Allan Issangya, S. B. Reddy Karri, Ted Knowlton and Ray Cocco

2:05 PM
(149f) Development of a Lift Correlation for Solid-Liquid Flows Using Direct Numerical Simulations
R. Maitri, E.a.J.F. Peters, J. T. Padding and J. a. M. Kuipers
See more of this Group/Topical: Particle Technology Forum