620 Active Colloidal Systems
620 Active Colloidal Systems
Thursday, November 17, 2016: 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Union Square 23 & 24 (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
The session of Active Colloidal Systems reflects the growing importance of the area of motile, self-propelling, energy-harvesting particles, and particle systems with complex collective dynamics. This topic has received substantial attention by both experimentalists and theoreticians (from a range of disciplines) and we look for both types of papers in this newly established session.
Interfacial Phenomena
Nanoparticles (03D)
Mark Kastantin
Email: mark.kastantin@colorado.edu
Ning Wu
Email: ningwu@mines.edu
Daphne Klotsa
Email: dklotsa@email.unc.edu
Email: mark.kastantin@colorado.edu
Ning Wu
Email: ningwu@mines.edu
Daphne Klotsa
Email: dklotsa@email.unc.edu
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals