359 Industrial Applications in Design and Operations

Tuesday, November 15, 2016: 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Carmel II (Hotel Nikko San Francisco)
This session focuses on the practical applications of Process Systems Engineering. Areas of interest include applications of fundamental research in modeling, optimization and control in Enterprise Wide Optimization including scheduling, planning and control of supply chains, product and process design including microsystems, metabolic networks, and separation systems. Process control and safety papers on proven applications of process systems engineering in operations, collaborations between academia and industry with a potential future impact, and case studies are welcome.

Computers in Operations and Information Processing

Ajay Lakshmanan
Email: ajay.lakshmanan@aspentech.com

Iiro Harjunkoski
Email: iiro.harjunkoski@de.abb.com

Vijay Gupta
Email: vijay.v.gupta@shell.com

12:30 PM
(359a) Process Systems Engineering Beyond Chemical Plants: Signed Digraph As a Modeling Tool for Analyzing Systemic Risk in Financial Networks
Richard Bookstaber, Paul Glasserman, Garud Iyengar, Yu Luo, Venkat Venkatasubramanian and Zhizun Zhang

12:49 PM

1:08 PM

1:27 PM
(359d) Improved Data-Driven Mathematical Modeling and Global Optimization Framework: An Application in Refinery Planning Operations
C. Doga Demirhan, Fani Boukouvala, Kyungwon Kim, Hyeju Song and Christodoulos A. Floudas

2:05 PM

2:24 PM
(359f) Development of a High Fidelity and Reduced Order Data-Driven Model of Hydrogen Plant
Abhinav Garg, Brandon Corbett, Prashant Mhaskar, Gangshi Hu and Jesus Flores-Cerrillo
See more of this Group/Topical: Computing and Systems Technology Division