358 Hydrodynamics of Active Fluids

Tuesday, November 15, 2016: 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Market Street (Parc 55 San Francisco)
This session of contributed talks is focused on the hydrodynamics of "active fluids" comprised of biological (e.g. micro-organisms) or synthetic (e.g. colloids) self-propelled entities immersed in a viscous fluid. We welcome theoretical, experimental, and computational contributions in this rapidly developing area of fluid mechanics.

Fluid Mechanics

Michael Graham
Email: graham@engr.wisc.edu

Aditya S. Khair
Email: akhair@andrew.cmu.edu

12:30 PM

1:00 PM
(358c) Effects of Director Field on Dynamics of Bacteria in Liquid Crystals
Shuang Zhou, Chenhui Peng, Taras Turiv, Yubing Guo, Qihuo Wei, Andrey Sokolov, Igor Aranson and Oleg Lavrentovich

1:15 PM
(358d) Locomotion of C. Elegans: 2D and 3D Maneuvers in Undulatory Burrowing and Swimming
Alejandro Bilbao, Amar Patel, Mizanur Rahman, Siva A. Vanapalli and Jerzy Blawzdziewicz

1:30 PM
(358e) Reverse Marangoni Surfing
Vahid Vandadi, Saeed Jafari Kang and Hassan Masoud

1:45 PM
(358f) A New Class of Colloidal Swimmers Based on Magnetically Actuated Assemblies of Metallo-Dielectric Microcubes
Koohee Han, Bhuvnesh Bharti, C. Wyatt Shields IV, Gabriel P. Lopez, Paulo E. Arratia and Orlin D. Velev

2:00 PM
(358g) Origins of Concentration Gradients for Diffusiophoresis
Darrell Velegol, Rajarshi Guha, Manish Kumar and Astha Garg

2:30 PM
(358i) Collective Dynamics of Catalytically Self-Propelled Particles
Nima Sharifi-Mood, Mir Karim, Ali Mozaffari and Ubaldo Córdova-Figueroa

2:45 PM
(358j) Diffusion of Ellipsoids in Active Fluids
Yi Peng, Ou Yang, Xinliang Xu and Xiang Cheng
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals