519 Colloidal Hydrodynamics: Structure and Microrheology

Wednesday, November 16, 2016: 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Market Street (Parc 55 San Francisco)
This session will focus on phenomena of microscopic and macroscopic hydrodynamics in colloidal suspensions. Contributions of interest include, but are not limited to, phenomena involving the coupling of fluid dynamics with Brownian motion, inter-particle forces, and external fields.

Fluid Mechanics

Roseanna N. Zia
Email: zia@cbe.cornell.ecu

Kelly Schultz
Email: kes513@lehigh.edu

12:30 PM
(519a) Shear-Induced Alignment of Janus Particle Lamellar Structures
Ronal A. DeLaCruz-Araujo, Daniel J. Beltran-Villegas, Ronald G. Larson and Ubaldo M. Córdova-Figueroa

1:45 PM
(519f) Microrheology of Monoclonal and Bispecific Antibodies
Eric M. Furst, Lilian Lam Josephson, Danielle L. Leiske and William J. Galush

2:00 PM
(519g) Microstructure and Yielding of Microfiber Gels
Patrick T. Spicer, Jie Song, Todd M. Squires and Marco Caggioni

2:15 PM
(519h) Transient Yield in Reversible Colloidal Gels: A Micro-Mechanical Perspective
Lilian C. Johnson, Benjamin J. Landrum and Roseanna N. Zia

2:30 PM
(519i) Role of Particle Roughness in Shear Thickening Colloidal Suspensions
Lilian C. Hsiao, Safa Jamali, Daniel J. Beltran-Villegas, Ronald G. Larson and Michael J. Solomon

2:45 PM
(519j) Axial Dispersion of Brownian Colloids in Microfluidic Channels
Michael P. Howard, Aishwarya Gautam, Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos and Arash Nikoubashman
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals